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How God Blesses His People
God has blessed me so much that words are inadequate to describe. He
has various ways in which to bless us. When I give, I don't concern
myself with getting anything in return. I don't have to. The bless­
ings have come automatically, and at times I'm stymied at their
frequency. I praise His powerful Name forever, and give Him the glory
for His ministers and you, His apostle who, at your advanced age, is
working ceaselessly to complete the Great Commission given to you. I
could go on and on praising our God for the truth, His Church, etc.,
but He knows how I feel.
With this letter I also want to send my gratitude for all the articles
in The GOOD NEWS and PLAIN TRUTH, as well as the booklets. What a
glorious opportunity we have!
Mrs. M.O. (Childersburg, AL)
I would like to say that it is a delight to serve God, for His promises
of blessings are as sure as the rising of the sun. The events in my
lif'e are an example of this. Just over a year ago, I was down and out­
-no job, one eight-year-old suit of clothes, a one-room basement
ap?.rtment shared with my nephew, no automobile, a diet consisting
mostly of soup and crackers and no one to turn to except God.
With many prayers from the brethren in the Roanoke, Virginia Church
and my own, God turned things around. In one year's time I have a job,
several suits, a nice apartment, a small car and good food.
there's still more. My mother just sold her house and told me she was
going to give each of her children three thousand dollars!
L.W. (Roanoke, VA)
Some time ago there was a WORLDWIDE NEWS article about a Pasadena
deacon who was robbed twice and then blessed. I am that man. We have
been so thoroughly blessed that, instead of suffering substantial
loss, I am able to include an extra $100.00 offering this month with my
normal tithe check! God does give blessings we have not room enough to
receive, if we are faithful!
J.R. (Pasadena, CA)
The summer session of classes is now under way. Also, we have a number of
Continuing Education classes which are designed primarily for local church
members who wish to take a few noncredit classes at Ambassador.
We are expecting the arrival of about 70 Japanese students (plus chaperons)
on July 20th.
They will be here on campus taking classes in English,
American History, etc., and will do some touring in the area from July 20th
through August 11th.
Mr. Richard Paige will once again serve as Director of the A.C. "Big Dig" in
Jerusalem this summer. The students will leave for Jerusalem on Wednesday,
June 24th. About 40 will participate in the Big Dig adventure this summer,