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The brethren really appreciated and
were inspired by Mr. Armstrong's visit to Salem--tremendous launch for
the holy days. Many commented on what an incredible spiritual Feast
we have had--Mr. Armstrong's filmed sermon was a high point on the
first day, and Mr. Dean Blackwell's sermons were a real capstone on
the last day at combined services in Eugene!
GARDEN GROVE, CA--TERRY P. MATTSON: Continual PM growth. To date I am
counselling 25 plus individuals toward baptism!
Attitude among the
young people is greatly improving. They are showing a deeper interest
in the Church and in spiritual matters.
TEXARKANA, TX--LYNN TORRANCE: The attendance here is increasing. God
is calling new people. New prospective members suddenly appear. I
assume that as a result of the Church of God having been put back on
the track. God is indeed blessing the Worldwide Church of God-­
TACOMA, WA--LAMBERT GREER: Enjoyed Mr. Raymond McNair's visit to the
Northwest. Uplifting to the brethren and all of us in the minstry to
have a guest from Pasadena.
BINGHAMTON, NY--BRITTON M. TAYLOR: The brethren were very encouraged
by the marriage siminar which Art Dyer and I conducted.
every adult from both churches attended. We all feel Mr. Armstrong's
co-worker letters are tremendous.
Weekly Letter Comments
Appreciation for Mr. Armstrong's Australian and New Zealand Visits
I am writing to you in gratitude for having visited and spoken to us in
Melbourne. Thank you for strengthening and encouraging us. This was
the first time I saw you in person.
I am from Tasmania and all of us on the island are behind you because
we can see the fruits--the concrete evidence--that Jesus Christ is
working through you to finish this end-time part of God's Work. Thank
you again for coming to speak to us, Mr. Armstrong!
D.C. (Ulverstone, Australia)
Thank you for coming to Australia. We were very moved by your messages
and sterling courage.
Your perspective is so inspiring--the big
picture. My wife and I were emotionally motivated to keep striving to
do our part in this great Work. You set us an example of a warm,
caring shepherd who loves each one of us. We were struck by your
humility, love and wisdom.
I pray daily that God will continue to strengthen and keep you at the
helm under Christ. More than ever I was sobered by how much this
Church needs you. Thanks again for your love and inspiring example.
We were all enriched by your visit.
Alan and Rosie Dean, Preaching Elder (Howrah, Australia)
We travelled to Auckland last Sunday to see and hear you, and natu­
rally we were disappointed that you weren't able to make it, but we