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just want to let you know that we would much rather you take care of
yourself. We were glad to know that you were able to spend time with
our ministers, and the "shot in the arm" that will have given them will
be greatly to our advantage anyway. We were very grateful to Mr. Fahey
for his fine sermon, and it was just great to be able to talk to him
and his wife again, after many years.
We know you are God's Apostle, Mr. Armstrong, and thank you for the way
you are carrying out that office. Whether we see you in the flesh or
not, we feel very deep affection for you and support you totally in all
that you are doing. Thank you for making the effort to come and see us
in New Zealand.
Mr. Peter Nathan was in our area yesterday showing us some of your
video tapes, and we were excited to see what a powerful means these are
in reaching the world with the gospel. Fantastic! We will pray even
more earnestly for God to use you with greater and greater power.
S. & J.B. (Ha_velock North, N.Z.)
Brethren Inspired by Mr. Armstrong's Letters
I want you to know how much I enjoy reading your letters. They pick me
up so much. All of us in the Church appreciate hearing from you. Your
letters really inspire us, so please send them as often as you can. I
know you're unbelievably busy and I pray for you every day.
letters (and tapes we've been hearing at Bible study) bring us closer
to you and help us to love you so much more. Thank you for your
P.Y. (Phoenix, AZ)
Thank you so very much for sharing God's wonderful truth with us.
Without this information, we would still be lost in a world of darkĀ­
ness and confusion. It is so easy to let down and get discouraged, but
your letters are like refreshing springs in the desert.
Thank you for remembering us in your prayers. Please continue to pray
that our great God will stir us up as never before for His truth and
Work. We need so badly to be lights to this world which has lost its
R. &. D.M. (Jacksonville, FL)
The urgency you convey to us in your letters has become a part of our
lives as we realize that each day brings us that much closer to the
time of the end. We are bringing ourselves more and more fervently to
the realization that time will not go on and on.
H.P. (Minneapolis, MN)
Your letters inspire me to keep running the good race and help me to
fight the good fight. You set such a fine example of faith in God and
love toward His people. I think of you as a second father--your warmth
radiates, as a father's would, in all your letters. You are so much
help and encouragement to me.
T.M. (Seattle, WA)