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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for the blessing of being able to attend the tenth
session of the refresher program. I was much inspired to see the unity
of your present staff and their dedication in carrying out your
instructions to get God's Church back on track and to get the Work of
God done. The spirit of cooperation was great in all departments and
in the students.
The highlight of the program was your talking to us in one of the
lectures. Thank you for your faithfulness to God's way and for the
example you have set for us all these years.
Robert Collins
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Surely no program for the education of God's ministers has ever been
as good or had the great impact on God's Church that the Ministerial
Refresher Program has and yet will have.
Lynn and I cannot really
adequately express our appreciation for the program. We learned a
great deal and have grown already through attending, and we know that
the processes will simply continue as we digest the information
gained, and as we teach it, and live it, and gain more by reason of
building on a much deeper foundation.
We feel deeply privileged to be part of the ministry at this time. And
we feel deeply privileged to have been taught by loyal and long-time
ministers who do and have always lived what they taught us. Thank you
for the countless hours put into the program by yourself, and all who
taught us, so that the tenth session was all that it was. Now we know
how great the refresher program is and the great good that those yet to
enjoy the program have to look forward to.
Dennis and Lynn Lawrence
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
Brethren here are excited
about Mr. Armstrong's ads which have just recently started to appear
in the Midwest edition of the Wall Street Journal. They really make an
impact when viewed full size in the paper itself!
Mr. Armstrong looked healthy, alert, and he inst;,ired us with his
message that was taped and sent out to the churches.
The brethren
appreciated seeing him again, even if it was on film and not in person.
It would be most appreciated if more sermon films from Mr. Armstrong
could be sent out (possibly twicea year) as the brethren are en­
couraged by "seeing" Mr. Armstrong speak to them.
VANCOUVER, WA--RICHARD D. DUNCAN: More people are outting forth the
effort to improve and strengthen their spiritual lives. The days of
Unleavened Bread had a very positive impact on the members in that
regard too. Everyone who attended Sabbath services in Salem on April
4th and heard and saw Mr. Armstrong there were greatly inspired. Not
only by his message, but by his vitality, drive, power and dedication
to the Work and Church of God.