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from Messrs. Albrecht, Salyer, Weber, Anderson, Burky, Faulkner,
Hogberg, Matthews, Omasta, Snook and from all those working to make
this program a quality experience.
A special thank you to Mr. Blackwell who found, on top of his 20 hours
of instruction, time to invite the ministry to his home and to share
his personal Library.
Above all our gratitude goes to our MERCIFUL God who built, through
His unique Apostle, this beautiful Work in which He called us to have a
part. With revitalized energy we will work hard to accomplish it.
Bruno and Rita Leclerc
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I were privileged to be a part of the ninth session of the
ministerial refresher, and I wanted to write and thank you for
establishing the program.
We found the program inspiring and the
fellowship with the other ministers most profitable.
We also would
like to mention how impressed we were with both the campus and the
Thank you for your steadfastness and your leadership in the Work. It
is incredible what God has been able to do and is continuing to do
through you. We are praying for you daily that God would continue to
give you strength and good health.
Thank you again for the inspiring leadership and example you have been
providing. May God bless you powerfully in your continued efforts.
Laurie and Sarah Nyhus
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
"Refreshing" certainly is the right word to use in describing the
Ministerial Refresher Program.
The instruction, correction, and
inspiration we received was spiritually equivalent to diving into a
cool lake on a hot summer's day. Thank you very much for giving Kathy
and me the opportunity to participate.
The accomodations, meals,
concerts, etc. provided for us were very greatly appreciated.
able to have you instruct us personally and seeing your example of
zeal, diligence, and hard work inspired us both to work harder and to
take the valuable instructions given to us and better serve and edu­
cate the brethren. Thank you again, and a thank you to all the men who
taught us so effectively.
Bill and Kathy Miller
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We want to add our thanks and appreciation for the refresher program.
The material covered, the teamwork and helpful attitudes, the priv­
ilege of staying right on campus, all made it an unforgettable ex­
perience. Now we are anxious to share it all with the brethren so that
together we can support and help you more in this end-time Work.
Jim and Barbara Chapman