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The Caribbean is a unique area, in which many independent and separate
island nations are packed into a relatively small geographic area. There
is one country in South America which is also included in the administra­
tive area of the Caribbean--Guyana. For all practical purposes it is a
landlocked island, and the most difficult in the region to mail into from
anywhere in the world.
Although stocks of key booklets are retained in each area within the
Caribbean to meet urgent local needs, most literature is mailed from
Pasadena. It is hoped that by using a postal bag system (where all mail for
an island is put in a mailbag which is sent via the post office to the local
sub-office for distribution from there) delivery time can be reduced to 3-4
weeks in most areas. A cheaper rate also comes from the post office not
having to sort the mail in the bag, but to only dispatch the bag.
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to write and thank you for instituting a very
thorough, a very sound, and a very positive Ministerial Refresher
Program. We have not been in for any classes in eleven years and,
actually, we tried to avoid the old ministerial sabbatical. But the
value of these classes to the ministry and the church will continue to
show for years down the road. There were many points brought out which
you taught in the fifties and covered in conferences in the sixties,
but which many of us never had heard before. The courses were ex­
cellent in updating us, unifying us in doctrine, and helping us to do a
better job in our local church areas. Again, thank you very much.
Jim and Lois Haeffele
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Having recently returned from the tenth session of the Ministerial
Refresher Program, we can truthfully say, as so many others already
have, it has been
very positive and fruitful experience. Having
been to headquarters on several occasions in the past, never before
have we appreciated the beauty of the grounds, nor the spirit and
attitude of the students as we have during this recent trip.
We wish to thank you and your staff for making it possible for us to be
"refreshed" both physically and spiritually. We were wined, dined,
and entertained bountifully. Truly our cup "runneth over." But above
all, we especially appreciate the spiritual meat and other "courses"
served us by a truly dedicated staff.
Carlos and Ruth Perkins
Very Dear Mr. Armstrong:
MERCI! This small word--condensed and full of meaning--expresses well
our feeling for the more than 108 hours of life, enthusiasm, and
dedication which were packed into the classes of the refresher
Merci for having chosen Messrs. Apartian, Blackwell, Hoeh, LaRavia,
McNair, Neff, Tkach and Helge to instruct us. Thank you for the input