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Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We are really excited with the direction the Work is going. It is
obvious to us that God has placed His blessings on His Work and the
Ministerial Refresher Program has certainly had a great deal to do
with it. Thank you very much for the program and for allowing us to
have a part in it.
Our twelve-year-old son, Matt, asked us if you were the founder of
God's Work. We explained that you are the human instrument God has
used in this era. He said, "I'm glad Mr. Armstrong has allowed us to
have a part in it." Our sentiments exactly.
Ray and Peggy Wooten
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Loree and I would like to thank you for the Ministerial Refresher
Program in Pasadena that you allowed us to be a part of. We thank God
for inspiring you to approve this much needed tool to convey to us the
tru�h of God as He has revealed it to you. Thank you for not com­
promising with the truth of God all these many years God has used you.
All of the instructors did an excellent job in teaching us. We feel
for the first time in years that we can go back to the local church
areas and know we are all speaking the same thing. Thank you again,
and we're looking forward to next year. It was an extra blessing to
have been able to hear from you three times while here.
Harold and Loree Rhodes
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I would like to express my thanks for the privilege of attending the
first week of the tenth session of the Ministerial Refresher Program,
as well as being my first visit to Ambassador College. To say it
exceeded my greatest expectations would be an understatement. My only
disappointment was having to leave early.
The instructor in each class taught in unity each doctrine as taught
by you. It will provide much spiritual food with which to feed the
flock, as well as being better equipped to serve under our local
The unexpected opportunity to meet you personally, as well as hearing
from you in the weekly forum: then again in the last half of one of the
afternoon sessions, finally capped off by your inspired and inspiring
sermon last Sabbath (May 2nd) really completed the week.
We are
behind you 100%.
The campus in general, and the auditorium in particular, has to be the
most beautiful of any on earth.
Also, a special thanks to Mr. Carlton Green for the physical feast he
prepared for us.