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Again, thank you for a wonderful and inspiring experience. Am looking
forward to the next program.
Jack Jackson
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We arrived just recently from session nine of the Ministerial Refresh­
er Program, after having spent two weeks with relatives on the east
It was the first time for both of us to travel outside the Philippines.
So we do appreciate very much the undreamedof opportunity to come to
Pasadena and other parts of the U.S.A.--thanks to God, and to you, for
having instituted the Refresher Program! Seeing a bit of your coun­
try--and specially the magnificent Ambassador College campus--was a
tremendous educational experience in itself. What more has the Ref­
resher Program done for us!
We cannot thank you and all the staff
behind the program enough for the truly refreshing and inspiring three
weeks at God's College.
It was too bad we missed by a week your visit to the college campus.
But we felt so good receiving all the doctrinal and administrative
instructions, as from you, through the faithful servants of God who
lectured to us.
We now have a more solid foundation on which to
conduct our part in God's Work in the Philippines. I am sure we will
be able to serve God's flock here more confidently and effectively in
the months ahead.
After the program I had a chance to speak at the Bethlehem, PA and the
Union, N.J. churches on two different Sabbaths. We found the brethren
there to be genuinely warm, friendly and very positive about the
current thrusts of God's Work. Their pastors had been to a previous
session of the Refresher Program.
Many thanks again, Mr. Armstrong, for allowing us the matchless pri­
vilege to attend the Refresher Program. We're so blessed to be a part
of God's great work in this age!
Pedro and Pacifica Melendez
Mr. Joe Tkach:
We just wanted to say again THANK YOU ALL for a wonderful tenth session
of the Ministerial Refresher Program.--It' s very encouraging to know
we're being taught the truth as God revealed it to Mr. Armstrong.
This, as you know, has been wha�we've needed for some time. Thank you
for your part on the team that, under Mr. Armstrong's direction, has
put this whole program together. The classes have been great. It's
good to see the dedication of the instructors who taught us these past
three weeks. God's Spirit was evident. Again, Thank you.
Harold and Loree Rhodes
Dear Joe:
We are very thankful for the selection of subjects and instructors for
the Refresher Program.
We really appreciate the harmony we have
observed during these three weeks.