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PT circulation continued to grow as a result of another newspaper flyer
insert in 200,000 Saturday editions of the Telegraph in the northern and
eastern provinces of The Netherlands.
Responses are sti11 corning in.
Judging from the responses that have come in until the end of April, we will
exceed the 2.5%.
Total incoming mail for April 7289 was pieces compared to 2219 one year
Income for April shows a year-to-date increase of 44%. Church
attendance has increased 25.4% compared to April one year ago.
S �anish Update Spanish Director's Trip: On April 26th, Mr. Walker and his
wife returned from a successful trip to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru.
The first stop of the trip was in Rio de Janeiro, where the Walkers were
able to visit with several of the members and prospective members of that
The next stop was Buenos Aires. There they met Mr. Alberto Sousa (serving
currently in Puerto Rico), who accompanied them to Bahia Blanca, the home
town of Mr. Luis Chavez. Mr. Sousa then continued on to Salte, Uruguay,
where 31 attended Passover services (21 for the first time). A total of 46
met there for services on the first day of Unleavened Bread.
The Walkers then flew on to Santiago, Chile for Passover services and the
first day of Unleavened Bread. Their final stop before returning to Los
Angeles was in Lima, Peru where they met with Mr. Pablo Gonzalez who had
flown in from Colombia, and Mr. Wilfredo Saenz, local minister.
Through the end of April, some 28,940 new subscribers have been added to La
- PURA VERDAD subscription list.
At the present rate of growth we will
definitely reach over 100,000 new subscribers--the goal set by Mr. Walker
earlier this year. Income for the first quarter is up 33.7%!
New Zealand News This year's Passover and Unleavened Bread festival season
was most 1nsp1ring and uplifting.
God's people showed their heartfelt
support for the Work God is doing through His Apostle by giving very
generous Days of Unleavened Bread holy day offerings--up by 42.5% and 57.8%
respectively. Attendance was over the 1000 mark for the first time ever,
showing an increase of 5.4% over last year. The Passover was taken by 607
rnembers--an increase of 2.5%. Although a good number of baptisms are being
performed, we are still experiencing a steady flow of members emigrating
overseas, particularly to Australia where economic conditions are better
than in New Zealand.
As a result, the percentage increase in members
appears low.
The end of April saw a manpower change with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Kelly being
assigned to Singapore to pastor the Church there, as well as in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, after six years service in God's Work here. They will
work from the Australian office while working on immigration requirements.
To replace Mr. Kelly in the Auckland area, Mr. Neville Fraser is being
employed as as an assistant pastor. Mr. Fraser has served in a part-time
capacity in Auckland for some years.
May will see the beginning of our nationwide series of full-colour news­
paper fliers advertising The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. They will appear in the
Auckland Star, Dominion (Wellington) and Manawatu Evening Standard on the
11th and 12th of May, and in The Waikato Times on the 13th, with other
newspapers following in June, July and August.