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excellent feast dinner on the "Night to be Much Observed," as well as by a
Church dance-social Sunday night at each site.
The brethren expressed enthusiastic appreciation for this wonderful chance
to be together--appreciation which was reflected in a total feast offering
more than 50% higher than last year's!
Transfer: Local Elder Thomas Root and his family are to be transferred to
the Pasadena campus in July of this year. Mr. Root will teach German at the
College, as well as serve as liason man and editorial representative for
the Bonn Office. His former Church areas of Darmstadt and Stuttgart will be
pastored from Bonn by Bonn office manager John Karlson.
One million newspaper flyers advertising The PLAIN TRUTH
(KLAR & WAHR) have been printed. 500,000 are planned for Germany, 250,000
for Switzerland and 250,000 for Austria.
On Tuesday, April 28th, the first 190,000 flyers appeared in the well-known
national daily newspaper "Die Welt." In the first two days we've already
received 1700 requests and expect about 3% or 5700 responses in all. We
hope for more.
Another 110,000 flyers will be placed in the Swiss "Schweizer Beobachter"
magazine on May 15th. On May 16th 80,000 flyers will appear in the Austrian
newspaper "Die Presse," and on May 25th another 70,000 flyers will appear
in the Austrian weekly magazine "Profil."
We hope for an average 3%
response, which means around 13,500 new subscribers will be added to our
list this spring.
The mail income for April was up 20% over April of last year. The year-to­
date total mail income
about +17.4%.
British Activities Space has now been booked in three of the top British
newspapers to receive Mr. Armstrong's ads. The campaign was planned to
begin on the fifth or sixth of
ad in the Daily
Mail entitled "What's Wrong With Our Educational System?" The same ad will
appear during subsequent weeks in The Times and Daily Telegraph--a combined
circulation of over 3. 6 million newspapers.
By also using the ad Mr.
Armstrong wrote on science and technology, and
one entitled "A
Staggering Turn in World Events," the campaign should run for a total of
nine weeks in the three newspapers mentioned.
Our advertising agent in London made a very interesting comment on the
planned campaign: He felt that the impact we would have on the top echelon
of the people in this country would be greater in two months than after five
years of running the smaller coupon advertisements we have used in the
Although the advertisements are really designed to convey a message rather
than generate a response, a coupon has been added to the bottom of each ad,
with Mr. Armstrong's approval, and two telephone numbers are also given.
We also plan to use a press release service provided by a specialist P.R.
company to give even more publicity to the message each ad contains.
Once again, March was a record-breaking month financially, with the highest
mail income ever coming into the Radlett office. It was up by 48% over
March 1980, giving a present year-to-date figure of +31%.