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sides on the street corners involving 2,500 men the other evening in
West Belfast. Youngsters are stockpiling bricks, bottles, missiles,
etc. in order to use them in the running street battles that are
I mention all of this because the Church members have
specifically requested the prayers of their brethren for their safety
during this tense time. In twelve years of troubles thus far they have
virtually escaped any involvement. But with over 300 people attending
the two churches in Belfast and Ballymena, we would remind you of this
situation and ask you to continually remember them in your prayers to
God. The British Army has many dozens of soldiers constantly on duty
in both Belfast and Londonderry along with the regular Police force.
The best they are doing is containing this boiling cauldron, but how
close to real eruption is the question now.
As we here watch the reports on television and in the press, each side
seems to become more and more entrehched. The hatred is very obvious
and from the viewpoint of the members, only God's protection and the
encouragement of their faith will see them through.
Continued Prayers Requested for Minister's Son
Wayne Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chapman of the Reno Church, has come
a long �ay since his three-story fall from a scaffold last winter. He is
now out of the coma but is still having difficulty communica�ing--usually
saying just a few words occasionally. Nevertheless, he is responding to
those around him. Therapists at the rehabilitation center in San Francisco
where he is now are trying to stimulate further progress, but their prog­
nosis is that Wayne will never be completely normal due to brain damage.
Barbara and Jim request your and the brethren
s continued prayers for
Wayne's complete healing, which they fully expect. The warmth and concern
of so many, along with the calls and cards, has meant very much to them
during this trial.
Anyone needing information concerning a
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weis, please contact
Mr. Bill Miller, the pastor of the Grand
Rapids, Michigan church. His phone number
is (616) 538-2185.
International News
German Office Report The highlight of the month, of course, was the spring
Passover evening, Passover day and the first day of Unleavened
Bread were spent together by the brethren at four sites in the German­
speaking area of Europe: Hankensbuttel in Northern Germany, the Rheinland
town of Eltville, Switzerland's capital city Zurich, and Austr�a's famous
tourist center, Salzburg. In addition to the Passover evening services,
four additional services were held on Saturday and Sunday at each feast
Opportunities for fellowship were rounded out beautifully by an