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Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We have just completed the ninth session of the Ministerial Refresher
Program. My wife and I would like to join all those who have already
taken the course in expressing our deep gratitude and thankfulness for
the opportunity and privilege extended to us--especially for us who
did not have the opportunity to graduate from Ambassador College.
If I were to describe this program in one word, I would say it is
INDISPENSABLE, with regards to its value, if we are to correctly and
effectively carry out our roles as shepherds of the flock, and to help
unify and prepare God's people for Christ's coming.
It is such a wonderful experience to get to know a segment of God's
ministry serving in various places around this earth, all striving for
the same goals. And it is such a privilege to be taught by, and get to
know, loyal and dedicated leading men in the various aspects of this
Work--sharing with us their knowledge, experiences, training and con­
tacts with you. And through this forum, we would like to thank all who
contributed to the success of the program.
Finally, when we stop to focus and meditate further, we are awed to
realize that if John the Baptist, who prepared for Christ's first
(physical) coming, was called by Christ the "greatest among those born
of women," how much greater would your office be as you prepare for
Christ's second (and spiritual) coming!
We respect and love you for such a high calling and for what you are
doing to fulfill that great office. Be assured that we, like all the
rest, are behind you 100% and feel humbly privileged to be part of that
great commission in a little way.
Edmond and Lorna Macaraeg
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings and warmest regards from Sunny South Africa! My wife and I
would like to express our deep appreciation to you and "the TEAM" for a
We were on a Sabbatical Program in
1977-1978 and the difference this time in the teaching, atmosphere and
attitude of the college is phenomenal. I made the remark to a fellow
minister: "I spent almost a year here, but this is the first time I
have really seen God's College"--and I meant it.
We fully realize all of the "behind the scenes" work that has been done
by yourself and all the ministers at Ambassador College and just want
to say a very big "THANK YOU" and to let you know that our prayers are
with you. "SHALOM"!
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
truly dynamic and captivating.
Bill and Sheila Whitaker
Armstrong's sermon in Chicago was
The message made a very positive