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are going to be doing in the Kingdom of God. I wish all of you well
and especially Mr. Armstrong. I hope to see all of you in the Kingdom
of God very soon.
Myra Alane Van Schwuyver (Wanette, OK)
Greetings from "Headquarters." It is very encouraging to have Mr. Herbert
W. Armstrong back with us in Pasadena at this time. We can now refer to
Pasadena as the HEADQUARTERS of God's Work as long as he is here.
We have now received about 527 completed applications from prospective
students. Please inform any students who haven't completed their appliĀ­
cations to rush them to Pasadena immediately. We had set mid-April as the
cutoff date for receiving applications for the coming fall, but it is
always possible for us to consider a few late applicants.
The College began its recess for the Days of Unleavened Bread break on
Thursday afternoon, April 16th. Classes resume on Tuesday, April 28th.
(The faculty are to attend the first day of the Ministerial Refresher
Program lectures on Monday, April 27th, and then will attend the rest of
the lectures during the summer break.)
The entire College, both students and faculty, as well as some of the
employees, were pleasantly surprised and were highly honored to hear Mr.
Armstrong address the forum on Tuesday, April 7th, and then
again on Tuesday, April 14th. Mr. Armstrong sketched a brief review of
some of the highlights of his life, and also gave a brief history of the
founding of Ambassador College. It was all very inspiring. Mr. Armstrong
had not spoken to the students for nearly three years.
Since you ministers don't receive the "Ambassador Portfolio," I thought
it would be good to reproduce one article concerning the 1980 Feast Film
which featured the Young Ambassadors. This Portfolio article tells how
many peoples in Ghana, including the President and Vice President, and
other leaders and diplomats came to see the film. Also, the students of
the University of Legon saw and enjoyed the Ambassador Feast Film. The
article follows:
Feast Film Success with Ghana Leaders
by John Andrews
The 1980 Feast Film, featuring the Young Ambassadors, is making
a big hit in Ghana, Africa. As Mr. Melvin Rhodes, pastor in Ghana
remarked, "One might say the Young Ambassadors are becoming a more
familiar sight in Ghana than many celebrities."
Following is the story of how this film came before the president
of that country as told by Mr. Rhodes, March 26:
"It all started with the arrival of the Feast Film in Accra, Ghana
[the capital] for its showing to the Church, sometime in December.
The only available projector was owned by the British Council. The