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British Council is an organization which aims to promote British
culture to the best educated people, in countries they operate
within, namely Third World countries.
"Before allowing the use of the projector, the film must be test run
to ensure everything is working properly.
While it was running, the
film director entered the room and saw the film.
At the time, he
was working on a lecture about Western pop music to be presented at
the University of Legon, so he asked for use of the film.
"The students enjoyed it so much, this film director decided to show
it to other educational organizations in town.
"It is presently in the British Council library and is the most
requested film they have.
It has been shown at nurses' colleges,
trade union schools and several universities.
"Then, the overall director of the British Council became interested
and began showing it in his home to diplomats [ambassadors and high
Then, early in March it was shown to the President
and Vice President
[of Ghana] in their homes with their families
present and with remarkable success!"
This is only a beginning.
As Mr. Rhodes commented after telling
this story, "Who knows where it'll go from here?"
Progress on the new 1981 ENVOY is coming along very well.
We plan to
it shipped to the feast sites before the Feast of Tabernacles begins
so that it will be available to all of the brethren who attend the Feast.
I am sure you will agree that this ENVOY is even better than the 1980
Thanks for your continued prayers and other types of support for Ambas­
sador College and, of course, for Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
So far as I
have heard, all of the ministers on the Refresher Program have expressed
their joy at seeing Ambassador back on the track.
Mr. Armstrong stated
at forum this week that it is good to see the College coming along very
well, and that he is pleased with the progress of the College.
with the continued prayers and backing of God's people--and most of all,
with God's support--I know Ambassador will continue to be blessed by
Almighty God.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
The latest Literature Index, which is being included with this Pastor
General's Report, �s a list of all currently available booklets and re­
print articles, and is for your personal use.
May we, therefore, ask that
you not loan out your list or allow it to be duplicated.
This could
cause considerable expense to the Work.
We are always happy to provide members with any reading material they need
or request.
However, when long lists are sent in requesting dozens and
sometimes hundreds of pieces of literature, our postage and processing
costs increase considerably.
Thanks always for your help and cooperation.
Any recommendation for im­
provement in the index will be appreciated.
--Mail Processing Center