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I am following your advertisements in the Globe & Mail and am forced
by common sense to completely agree with all the contents. I grew
up in Germany during the second World War, and all those who fought,
and all those who survived that war, should feel morally obligat­
ed to tell mankind what a next war--World War III--will be like.
We do not need scientists, educators, editors, news analysts,
bankers, industralists, leaders in business and commerce--not today.
Today we need people with vision. We need people like Herbert W.
Armstrong, so that we can live tomorrow. The question is, can we
spread his word fast enough, so that we may survive?
Karl Hartmann (New Hamburg, Canada)
Youth Enjoy Their Magazine
I think YOUTH 81 is an excellent magazine for teens. I'd especially
like to comment on an article in the February issue, "If Only I'd
Known." I think every teen should read it. I am 16, and attend the
Akron church. I try my best not to participate in the ugly things
of this world, but I know of things that go on with other people and
it astonishes me! This article is absolutely correct on the things
wh�ch happen in today's world. If only everyone were to realize that
Jesus is with us all the time, things would change drastically. Hope­
fully, we haven't much longer before God's Kingdom is with us.
Pam Barclay (Akron, OH)
Thank you (Mr. Armstrong) so much for issuing YOUTH 81. I really
enjoy it. It has many interesting things to read. I really appre­
ciate this great opportunity. I especially loved the article on
dating in the first issue. Thank you.
Dahjn Marie Woodard (Bronx, NY)
I think YOUTH 81 is a great idea! I really enjoy the articles in
the magazine, especially the articles on your life, Mr. Armstrong,
when you were a young boy. I hope you can continue writing for
Jann Crabtree (Flagstaff, AZ)
I really enjoy receiving the YOUTH 81 magazine. I have just read
the article entitled, "A Teenager Is Challenged--Does God Exist?"
This article helped me tremendously, as do all the articles. God
has obviously inspired this magazine! Thank you very much!
Belinda Reed (Roanoke, VA)
I wish to thank and congratulate you on YOUTH 81. It is very easy
to understand and follow. I read it from cover to cover every month,
and enjoy it immensely. YOUTH 81 gives me information that I can use
day to day and on into the Kingdom of God. I know for sure that Mr.
Armstrong's story entitled, "Certainly, Sir!" will help in finding
and keeping a job. I enjoy the stories about other countries and
wish that you would keep this feature going.
I would also enjoy stories about growing up and being a teen-ager, for
we need all the help we can get. Maybe even stories about what we