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of this Work--sharing with us their knowledge, experiences, training
and contacts with you. And through this forum, we would like to
thank all who contributed to the success of the program.
Finally, when we stop to focus and meditate further, we are awed to
realize that if John the baptist who prepared for Christ's first
(physical) coming, was called by Christ the "greatest among those
born of women," how much greater would your office be as you prepare
for Christ's second (and spiritual) coming!
We respect and love you for such a high calling and for what you are
doing to fulfill that great office. Be assured that we, like all the
rest, are behind you 100% and feel humbly privileged to be part of
that Great commission in a little way.
Edmond and Lorna Macaraeg
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just attended the ninth Ministerial Refresher
Program and found it more profitable than all the conferences we've
been to put together. We just can't wait to return to Ghana so that
we can share all the benefits of the session with the members there.
I want you to know, Mr. Armstrong, that the members in Ghana are
100% behind you as God's Apostle, supporting you continually in
this great Work you have been called to lead. Everybody is enthusi­
astically behind you as God leads you to put the Church back on the
We look forward very much to visiting Pasadena for another Ministe­
rial Refresher Program--hopefully soon.
Melvin and Diane Rhodes
P.S. We just had to say a word about how impressed we were with the
students at Ambassador College. What a change from a few years ago.
We are really pleased to have one coming out to assist in our area,
and were most impressed with his attitude of service and desire to
get to work as soon as possible. A big thank you for sorting the
college out.
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just returned home after attending the ninth
Refresher Program in Pasadena. A letter almost seems inadequate to
express our appreciation for what was given to us over the three
weeks. The practical and inspiring classes and the warm hospitality
extended to us were really tremendous.
Before traveling to Pasadena, we learned that we are to be moved
to Singapore to pastor two churches. As a result of our three weeks
in Pasadena, we feel far better prepared to point those people in
your direction and to teach and encourage them to help in holding
up your arms in completing the very important work we have been
called to do.