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While the Refresher Program has been encouraging to us in the minis­
try, we also trust that the fruits of the program do greatly en­
courage and strengthen you in leading God's people to complete His
Work at this time. We look forward to seeing you in Australia next
Colin and Beverley Kelly
Dear Mr. Tkach:
It is now a month since Gail and I completed the Refresher classes
and we now feel able to look back, having had time to digest the
enormous feast of material given by yourself and the other lecturers.
The Church in Zimbabwe is really encouraged with the news of unity
and peace we brought back. They are overjoyed to hear of our meet­
ing with Mr. Armstrong and of how well he looked and sounded.
One aspect of the program that will benefit us personally is the warm
friendship we were able to foster with the group in our class. It
is very different from a large conference with one thousand people.
Thunk you, and thanks to all who made the three weeks the most
profitable of our lives. Thanks especially to Christ for inspiring
the whole idea of the three-week Refresher Program.
Ron and Gail Stoddart
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
EVANSVILLE, IN--C. FRED BAILEY: The theme of Mr. Armstrong's
writings and the support of the PT and GN are taking hold. Several
members have stated that for years they were told just to hang on
to the Church and they would make it. A new desire is being kindled
to grow and overcome--to work to build right lives and character.
BRAINERD, MN--STANLEY McNIEL: Everything went well during our
absence. People are encouraged by PT distribution in area. We
appreciated the refresher--feel rejuvenated--thanks to all!
SAN JOSE, CA--LEROY W. COLE: The attitude of the Church is very
solid. Attendance is slowly increasing and people seem to be coming
more regularly. The brethren are very inspired by Mr. Armstrong's
zeal and dedication to this Work.
GREAT FALLS, MT--DARRYL HENSON: The attitude of everyone is basi­
cally sound. Everyone is extremely interested in what is occurring
in the Work and anxious to learn about it.
BIG SANDY, TX--DONALD L. WARD: The membership in Big Sandy and
Tyler were greatly encouraged by Mr. Armstrong's visit on February
28. Their comments are best summarized by the following: "His
voice is stronger than ever; his sermon was so clear; we were
really encouraged and inspired by what he had to say; it is evident
that God is using him more powerfully than ever."