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The mail income for the month of March was 9.7% more than in March 1980.
Our year-to-date mail income is +16%.
Spanish Language Activities Recently, a small ad placed in a Sunday
edition of the independent Madrid daily, El Pais (circulation 400,000),
has yielded over 500 responses at a cost of less than $2.00 each! The
ad was positioned next to an article covering the nomination of King Juan
Carlos for the Nobel Peace Prize. Any article about the King attracts
extra attention, especially since his bold, much-applauded action during
the attempted army takeover of the Spanish government. La PURA VERDAD
circulation in Spain is nearing 6,000, with over 4,000 being added during
the last three months.
Due to advertising in European magazines, the circulation of the Spanish
PV has increased in numerous countries with large immigrant worker popula­
tions, such as Germany, Switzerland and England. This adverti�ing has
yielded responses from many far-flung countries as well. The Spanish PV
now circulates in 97 countries including Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Poland,
Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iceland, Tanzania, Turkey and Sri Lanka.
Since the return of the South American ministers to their respective areas
following the January Ministerial Refresher Program, a strong boost has
been given to the "take one" wall card distribution program. In a few
short weeks many cards have arrived from Peru (800), Venezuela (100),
Chile (1,000), Argentina (700) and Uruguay (50).
Wilfredo Saenz, based in Lima, Peru, has established card distribution
points in the Lima Convention Center and the busy central post office.
Luis Chavez, the minister in Argentina, headed a seven-man "platoon"
which placed over 200 cardholders in many parts of Buenos Aires. In
three days, more than twenty thousand cards were taken by residents of
the capital city!
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We have just completed the ninth session of the Ministerial Refresher
Program. My wife and I would like to join all those who have already
taken the course in expressing our deep gratitude and thankfulness
for the opportunity and privilege extended to us--especially for
those of us who did not have the opportunity to graduate from Ambas­
sador College.
If I were to describe this program in one word, I would say it is
INDISPENSABLE with regards to its value, if we are to correctly and
effectively carry out our roles as shepherds of the flock, and to
help unify and prepare God's people for Christ's coming.
It is such a wonderful experience to get to know a segment of God's
ministry serving in various places around this earth, all striving
for the same goals. And it is such a privilege to be taught by and
get to know leading, loyal and dedicated men in the various aspects