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I've been wanting so badly a love seat for my little room, one that
opens into a bed. But after your letter I decided I could live with
what I had and so sent that money to the Work. Today I received a
call from my daughter. A friend had given her exactly what I wanted
and she is bringing it to me! God is so wonderful!
Mrs. Ida A. Rice (Burton, MI)
Let me share a great blessing God has given my family. Very
recently, my wife gave birth naturally, without any drugs, to a
baby girl! Unfortunately, two years before she had our first­
born son through a Caesarean section. All the doctors we talked
to said she had no chance of giving birth vaginally. However, she
had only eight hours of labor--and handled it extremely well. We
prayed for God's courage and He answered our prayers.
J.K. (Henderson, NC)
I wanted to send this small offering because just the other day
we were given all kinds of men's clothing and shoes--just the size
my husband is able to wear. There were some brand new clothes and
some that had hardly been worn. I feel this was a direct blessing
from God, lifting the burden of us having to buy these very articles.
Last week we had talked about how we might be able to buy some of
these same things that my husband needed so badly and hadn't been
able to afford.
Edith L. Gerron (Indianapolis, rN)
I have been specially blessed since God called me. He has now
blessed me with a clean mind, right knowledge, wisdom and under­
standing to live a good life, loving friends, a job, good health,
sound financial knowledge, and a lovely watch which I got as a gift
at my first-ever Feast of Tabernacles in 1980.
One Sabbath evening when I was returning from where I had been
listening to "The World Tomorrow" broadcast, God also saved me
from a thug attack. On the following morning I recovered the 12
Correspondence Lessons which my attackers had scattered on the road
when they fled--to my surprise, as I didn't try to resist or chase
them. There are many other cases where the Eternal supernaturally
intervened, including the time I asked for a few cents to buy bread
when I was hungry and still looking for a job. I really learned to
live by faith.
S.P. (South Africa)
Students Cherish Opportunities at Ambassador College
Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to put the Church and
College back on the track. I am a student at Ambassador, and I would
not want to be anywhere else. So many things to learn and do and so
many opportunities! I can't thank God enough for the Church, the
ministers, the College, the people and everything that goes with it.
Keep up the good work, Mr. Armstrong. We are all praying for you.
Scott Friesen {Pasadena, CA)