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are grateful for the Work's freely given literature. They find our maga­
zines and booklets inspiring, informative and edifying.
God Blesses and Provides
Two years ago, I was a student of Electrical Engineering at the
S.V.U. College of Engineering, Tirupati. I used to think that
since the universe is totally without meaning; totally without
reason or justice, or mercy and with absolutely nothing left but
the hugger-mugger, hurly-burly, ramshackle beauty of litter and
chance and chaos, there is no cause why we should take anything
seriously and make any effort seriously about anything at all.
I drifted along recklessly and carelessly. I failed in most of
the subjects and consequently I lost one complete year. My moral
degeneration was complete.
Fortunately, one of my lecturers came to my rescue and lent me
some old copies of The PLAIN TRUTH. At first, I cursed him. But
I couldn't escape the strange fascination of your articles. Par­
ticularly your booklet WHY WERE YOU BORN? dealt a crushing blow to
my miserable existence. Life once again became meaningful and
interesting to me. I worked hard for my studies and stood second
in my class. I have successfully completed my Bachelor's degree
with distinction and now I have obtained admission to the post­
graduate course in one of the most prestigious institutions in our
I want to record my deep sense of gratitude for putting me on the
right path again.
K. Vijaya Mohan Reddy (Kanpur, India)
Since being in God's great Work, our lives have been very much
blessed. Our marriage has blossomed and been greatly enriched and
revitalized. Our lives have been filled with great fulfillment and
purpose! The blessings of our great God are truly great.
It is hard to comprehend the entire purpose and calling we have
received, for nothing we ourselves have done makes us worthy of
God's promises! As you [Mr. Armstrong] have said so often before,
because of our sins we all deserve to die. However, through God's
far-reaching love for mankind, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ
(the Being through which all things were originally created) became
human and shed His blood for the redemption of the sins of the entire
world! Such love is hard to completely understand, even with God's
Spirit in us!
Barry & Joanne Curley (Anaheim, CA)
My husband is in the construction field and has only been partially
employed since the Feast. And yet, God has seen fit to provide us
with what we need. It hasn't been easy, but we are amazed at how
much God has blessed us. Friends outside the Church can't under­
stand how we've been able to make it. Physically speaking, neither
can we! But we know there is a great God who cares for us and gives
to us abundantly, and He is the one who has stretched every penny
we had.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Robinson (Curtis, NE)