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response from some to sermons, and even lessons they are learning
on their own. It seems that some people in the Church are having
trials of their own which is producing good fruit. They are study­
ing and praying and learning lessons they seem to have neglected
before. It
encouraging to see this spiritual growth among a
significant portion of the congregation.
DENISON, TX--GERALD WITTE: Good enthusiasm regarding the Bible
study tapes.
HARRISON, AR--TOM BLACKWELL: Much good comment about GN issue on
Bible authenticity.
MT. POCONO, PA--0.G. ENGELBART: Brethren are very excited about
having the Feast of Tabernacles in Mt. Pocono this fall.
ANN ARBOR, MI--JEROLD W. AUST: The brethren are uplifted by Mr.
Armstrong's journey to the Far East and his campaigns. We are all
hoping for increased radio and television coverage. YOUTH 81 is a
beautiful magazine and very helpful for the youth and adults alike!
We have to run to keep up with Mr. Armstrong.
CHAMPAIGN, IL--R. HOLM: Y.O.U. members as well as the whole Church
are enthused over the new YOUTH 81 magazine! Mr. Armstrong's
guidance of Y.O.U. is much appreciated.
RALEIGH, NC--MIKE BOOZE: The brethren have been enjoying the Bible
study tapes by Mr. Armstrong.
Even the Chickens Keep the Sabbath!
We are three members and two prospectives here in a small settlement
of just about two hundred people, in the heart of India. Five out
of two hundred is indeed a big number for the Church of God, and
that is why we are the focus of attention in all that happens, both
good and bad.
People are amazed that we keep the Sabbath despite opposition and
persecution. All of us have our jobs threatened. We have been
labelled and maligned, and local thugs have even "warned" us. But
it seems strange to these people that we still get together on
Saturdays, sing hymns heartily, work hard on Sundays, and to make
things worse did not join their Christmas festivities. So the local
saying goes "the local shadow of Saturday is on us." That one of
us used to be a Methodist minister at one time, makes it all the
more inexplicable. And to top it all his poultry also decided to
keep the Sabbath--they have stopped laying eggs on Saturday!
Susy Aya Ram (Moradabad, India)
Weekly Letter Comments
Firstly, our comments show how God Almighty is truly mindful of His peo­
ple. He is blessing and providing for them, sometimes in remarkable and
unexpected ways. Then Ambassador students express their appreciation for
their unique opportunities to recapture true values. Finally, readers