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Thank you for allowing me to attend Ambassador College. It is a
wonderful environment. I thank God for giving you the vision to
establish such a wonderful institution. Enclosed is a check for my
first tithe. Please use it in furthering the good news of the coming
of our Lord.
Renita Lawson (Pasadena, CA)
I am sincerely appreciative that you [Mr. Armstrong] had the
vision and guidance to make Ambassador College what it is, and
that I have the unique opportunity to be here. I work as a custo­
dian in the Auditorium, yet the building never loses its beauty.
Julie Muenster (Pasadena, CA)
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for the tremendous opportunities you have
given us, the students of Ambassador College. I pray that we can
use what we're learning and give even more where and how God wants.
Keep up your tremendous work!
Renae Bechtold (Pasadena, CA)
Being a student at Ambassador College, I have the privilege and
opportunity of being closer to the Work than perhaps members feel
in far-removed church areas. I am so very thankful for this oppor­
tunity to serve the Church, the Work and AICF.
As I daily walk about this campus, I am awed by it. I rejoice
over it and thank God that you (Mr. Armstrong) have obeyed God
and let Him work through and with you in providing this wonderful
educational institution for us. It simply does not compare to any
Joyce Harrar (Pasadena, CA)
Readers Value Our Literature
I have really been blessed. I find that my eyes are beginning to
see and my ears to hear. I must say that The PLAIN TRUTH and the
booklets you've sent have been important in this. I now feel a
hunger which I can't seem to satisfy. It is a hunger for more
knowledge of my Father's wishes, and how I might find favor in His
I would really appreciate it if you could get the booklet I have
requested off to me quickly since my hunger is growing bigger. God
bless you and all His children.
Curtis Beard (Rosharon, TX}
Thank you so very much for all your valuable literature! Truly,
reading The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and other booklets provides answers
to many questions in my mind, and gives me explanations for so many
otherwise strange, unexplicable things happening in the world today.
Mr. Armstrong, I am a service member of the United States Army in
Europe. My husband and I are both stationed here in the Federal
Republic of Germany. In Germany we feel so much closer to world