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for being such a loyal and dedicated servant of God. Please know,
and never wonder, that we are all indeed solidly behind you--ALL
of us, ALL the way!
The Perraults (St. Johnsbury, VT)
I'm writing to say "Thank you" for your unfailing loyalty and
continued dedication to doing God's Work, despite all the perse­
cution and opposition Satan has been able to muster against you and
the Church. You are a boulder of strength, with God's Spirit visibly
directing your efforts to keep God's Church back on track. Yet,
we recognize too that you, like the rest of us, are only human and
that it must take much conscious effort on your part to set your mind
towards totally pursuing the way of "give" in serving God and the
Church. You are a tremendous example and inspiration to us all.
Oscar E. Ferreira (Escondido, CA)
Members Inspired by Ministers After Refresher Program
Thank you for the Refresher
ministers of God's Church.
delivered, most informative
the 20 years I have been in
Program classes being given to the
Our minister is giving the best-
and balanced sermons I have heard in
God's Church.
Mrs. Robert Cain (Barbarton, OH)
I am writing to thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for the Refresher Program.
It seems to have opened a door to the truth I had never seen or
heard before. Our local minister returned from the program and
spoke like never before. The only person I have heard speak this
way is you. God seems to be really pouring out His knowledge on
us. I hope we can take it and repent of any wrong attitudes and
go God's way.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Taylor (Starke, FL)
Our minister recently returned from the Refresher Program and based
one of his sermons on the classes there. However, the most interest­
ing of all was how much more smoothly Pasadena is running since you
(Mr. Armstrong) have put the Church back on track. He said the
difference is amazing. Everyone was so much more friendly and it
was a pleasure to be there.
Anne Mitrus (Endicott, NY)
We are thanking God daily for you (Mr. Armstrong), our ministers,
and the Ministerial Refresher Program that is actually refreshing
all of us. Our minister and one of the local elders have indeed
been refreshed and the sermonettes and sermons we are getting are
spurring us on to new growth and rekindling our first love! Breth­
ren are fasting, praying and studying as never before!
Don & Darlene Heller (La Mirada, CA)
My local pastor has just returned from Pasadena where he took a
part in the Refresher Program. I would like to thank you (Mr.
Armstrong) and God for instituting this program. Our pastor has
come back almost a different man. Now he is incredibly more power­
ful in his sermon and actions. He has acquired new confidence and
conviction. I have noticed a positive, powerful change. It seems