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the Refresher Program has given the ministry a much more defined
direction with regard to policies and doctrines of the Church. And
this is only Phase I of the program! Mr. Armstrong, this program
is helping God's ministry greatly.
Darrell Clutton (Ontario, Canada)
Our minister has just returned from the Refresher Program in
Pasadena and has been so inspired since he returned. He is giving
us sermons and Bible studies filled with what he has learned. He
inspires us just from his inspiration! Thank you (Mr. Armstrong)
for these sessions which call God's ministers into Pasadena.
Craig & Helene Dunlap (Jacksonville, FL)
Correspondence Course Unlocks Real Meaning in Life
I am very impressed with the Ambassador College Correspondence
Course and am on my fifth lesson. I have always read and studied
my Bible, but there was still so much I did not know. The course
is so interesting that when I finish one lesson, I can hardly wait
to get the next one.
Mrs. Alberta Barnett (Corpus Christi, TX)
I would like to thank you for making the Correspondence Course the
most interesting �nd thoughtfully constructed course I have ever
seen. I've studied the Bible for many years and attended Sunday
school and church, but I am learning things from this course that
I didn't even know were in the Bible. And, praise God, you send
it to me free! I could not afford a course like this. The truth
I have found is staggering to my imagination.
Rheta Freeman (Vancouver, WA)
I've just completed my seventh lesson of the Correspondence Course
and must say that each lesson has been most informative and inspira­
tional. Never had I heard of the seventh-day Sabbath, and knew
nothing about the books of Daniel and Revelation, the second
resurrection, what Armageddon and hell are and a multiplicity of
other things. Frankly, I've been shocked at my own ignorant up­
bringing in religion. Thanks to this course I have studied and
learned more about the Bible, the calling of God, His plans for me
and the wonderful future I can have.
Thelma Brandful (Dawson, GA)
I am currently studying the Bible lessons offered by Ambassador
College. I must say that my knowledge, wisdom, and understanding
has been enhanced tremendously. No other church or teacher has
ever revealed such marvellous light, and I am bearing witness to
the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. I realize I am a babe
in Christ, however, as long as I continue to drink the sincere
milk of the Word, I am sure my growth in Christ will be a strong
and everlasting one.
I thank God Almighty for you (Mr. Armstrong)
and your entire staff for making it possible for me to receive such
a wonderful blessing.
Charles C. Swain (Los A ngeles, CA)