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Weekly Letter Corrunents
As the Work speeds closer to the end of this era, letters show that the
brethren are completely behind God's apostle, expressing heartfelt appre­
ciation for his labor of love. Members are also thanking Mr. Armstrong
for the Ministerial Refresher Program. Many have noticed a renewed
inspiration in their ministers after they returned from Pasadena. In
the final group of comments, students of the Correspondence Course share
their thrill and excitement over their newfound understanding as a result
of the informative lessons. They recognize that the Bible course is
entirely different and unique.
Brethren Fully Support God's Apostle
I can't put into words how good and uplifting it is to see you
fully recovered and back in full control of God's Church, and once
more proclaiming the true Gospel to the world in power. Your live
messages at the Feast and the Bible study tapes are like a pleasant
rain after a long drought. There is a warm, friendly family spirit
in the local congregations again, and God's truth is being boldly
proclaimed to the flocks by God's loyal ministers.
My family and I want to express our love and support for you as
Goa's present-day apostle, the one through whom we received under­
standing of God's truth. We pray that God will open more doors to
you and give you everything needed to complete the Work you have
been commissioned to do.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Engelhardt (Climax, NY)
I want to let you know how thrilled we are in Australia at hearing
the news of your upcoming visit here. So many exciting things
have been happening as a result of God's Church getting back on the
tracks. If you hadn't been faithful and obedient to God, Mr. Arm­
strong, we wouldn't enjoy life today as we do, or have the hope of
being a part of God's Kingdom. Thank you very much for all you have
done. We are praying that God will not allow anything to prevent
your visit to Australia.
Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Dickson (Epping, Australia)
God has given me, and others, life through you, Mr. Armstrong.
Today I might have been an alcoholic, or a drug addict, or a
deviate, or perhaps even a suicide case, IF it weren't for you.
But because you reached me with God's message, today I am leading
an extremely happy married and family life. Today I can wake up
each morning with a radiant purpose in my eyes. We brethren in
India are behind you one hundred percent, Mr. Armstrong! And, we
pray fervently for you and the Work daily.
Joseph Cherian (Chengannur, India)
Your "labor of love," Mr. Armstrong, is not going unnoticed, you can
be sure! We see the end results of the long hours of sacrifice-­
the articles which appear in The PLAIN TRUTH, WORLDWIDE NEWS and
GOOD NEWS; the revived and revised reprints; the books and the
broadcasts (both radio and television). We realize that this is
only a glimpse of what is going on behind the scenes. Thank you