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I've attended conferences since 1973, but the opening session of the
Ministerial Refresher Program was worth more than all those other
conferences put together. (with the exception of Tucson 1979.)
CLARKSBURG, WV--DAVID M. JOHNSON: Everyone is overjoyed about the
decisions to reopen Big Sandy and to stay with larger Feast sites.
People enjoyed being able to travel, but many felt that it just
didn't seem like the Feast with only a few thousand people.
RALEIGH, NC--MICHAEL E. BOOZE: Enthusiasm is high for all the
growth in God's Work. It is good to announce to God's people that
the Work is growing at about 30% once again. I'm personally excited
about reopening Big Sandy. It sounds as if Mr. Armstrong has
installed some outstanding men to lead the college. Locally,
Church attendance is up, as is Bible study attendance. Over 90%
of the Church shows up at Bible study to hear Mr. Armstrong's
tapes on I Corinthians.
KNOXVILLE, TN--DAVID L. ORBAN: Attendance at Sabbath services
and Bible studies has increased over last year's figures. Eighteen
percent increase for Sabbath services. Baptism requests have jumped
from previous months. Announcement of reopening Big Sandy had wide­
spread positive response among the members. The positive decisions
and direction of the Work are really being felt in positive responses
from the brethren.
BISMARCK, ND--DAN CREED: Everyone is excited about the stepped up
pace Mr. Armstrong is setting for the Work. The brethren are
extremely happy about Big Sandy reopening and several young adults
in the area are planning to apply. The brethren are also hoping
that Mr. Armstrong will get close enough for them to go see him in
one of his church visits.
been getting a lot of positive comments about Mr. Armstrong's tapes.
The area seems to be taking off with enthusiasm running high. At­
tendances for Spokesman Clubs, Bible studies and Church services are
increasing as people are becoming more involved in the Church and
making it the center of their life once again. Mr. Armstrong's
leadership is appreciated.
FAYETTEVILLE, NC--PAUL V. KIEFFER: An unusual amount of accidents
this month. High unemployment rate (10.9%) here in Fayetteville
doesn't help local job market. Several people here having financial
troubles as a result.
PHILADELPHIA, PA--CARLOS E. PERKINS: More sickness this month than
usual--probably due to weather. Also family problems crop up a bit
more than usual. On the whole, though, the Church is moving forward;
love, togetherness apparent; some new people also.
BOWLING GREEN, KY--KENT FENTRESS: Fellowship continues to be a major
part of Sabbath. Money is tight! Visits are paying off with some
real changes. Several are counselling for baptism.