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I am convinced, Mr. Armstrong, that had I not attended Ambassador
College, this great opportunity would not be possible! In fact,
similar credit goes for my job with Pacific Power & Light Co. The
requirements for my job and this trip entailed strong skills in
public speaking and public relations.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for having the God-inspired foresight to
create Ambassador College. I just wanted you to know how much your
students appreciate one of the many ways God, through you, has
blessed his people.
Stuart Segall, Local Elder, Coos Bay, Oregon
Corrunents From Monthly Church Reports
KINGSPORT, TN--GEORGE ELKINS: God has performed two healing miracles
in this Church this past month: A prospective member was healed of
serum hepatitus that had put her in the hospital near death. The
doctors cannot explain her recovery with no liver damage! Also, the
husband of a member requested an anointed cloth a month ago. This
week he was found to have a ruptured appendix. God spared his life!
WHtELING,WV--R. SHORTY FUESSEL: The break in the weather has really
brought the attendance up. Enthusiasm is running very high. The
brethren are loyally and strongly behind Mr. Armstrong. They sense
the shortness of time and are inspired by the strength and vigor of
Mr. Armstrong's energetic leadership. There is an upturn in hostil­
ity from unconverted husbands; wives are experiencing more criticism
and neglect--the Church being blamed as the cause.
CANTON, OH--JOHN FOSTER: Finances still frustrate most--due to high
heating and gasoline bills. Many positive comments about Mr. Arm­
strong's tapes--they like his digressions. Overall, things are going
JACKSONVILLE, NC--JOHN A. MOSKEL: Marriage and family problems seem
to abound, but brethren involved seem to be quite willing to "grow
and overcome." Overall attitude of members is positive toward the
Work. They deeply appreciate Mr. Armstrong's tapes which we play
after services each week.
SOMERSET, KY--MEL DAHLGREN: Working with two promising PMS. The
zeal of 10 years ago is clearly back! I can hardly wait to invite
them to Church. They realize the importance of building a good
foundation first, and are intently studying the basic booklets
between monthly visits. Satan is attacking in every direction, but
the brethren have the right perspective and are being delivered from
each one as God has promised!
KALAMAZOO, MI--KEN WILLIAMS: The brethren are happy and excited
about the Ministerial Refresher Program. I received several corrunents
on how anxious they are to hear more about what we received. I've
just returned from the eighth Refresher Program. Jesus Christ knows
exactly what we need--clearly proven by this program. Many of the
trials the brethren are going through here were dealt with in the
daily sessions given in Pasadena. I now have some more understanding
and knowledge from God's Word on how to help His people in this area.