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to complement the classes in an excellent way! We really enjoyed
getting to meet the other ministers and their wives! To top it
all off, what a privilege to be able to see Mr. Armstrong when he
returned to Pasadena!! It truly was a great program for us, and we
very much look forward to the new program scheduled to begin after
the Feast!
Gary and Marsi Pendergraft
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Karen and I want to express our heartfelt gratitude and apprecia­
tion for the opportunity of attending the eighth session of the
Refresher Program. It certainly lived
highest expecta­
We were impressed by the fact that all instruction was based on Mr.
Armstrong's teachings. We also appreciated the opportunity to get
better acquainted with you and the other evangelists at the "support
center" of God's Work. Of course, seeing and hearing Mr. Armstrong
at the special Congress of leading ministers was a unique and excit­
ing privilege.
(I don't believe any future session can top that!)
We are already looking forward to the next round of sessions. Our
only problem now is how to pass along all the information to four
churches in the meantime!
Larry and Karen Walker
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Gaye and I would like to take this opportunity to express our
appreciation to you and all the staff for the ninth session of
the Ministerial Refresher Program. We feel it has been an honour
and a privilege to attend, and feel encouraged and strengthened to
more effectively serve God's people.
We appreciate not only the subject matter of the lectures, but
also the spirit of cooperation and service that is evident through­
out the whole campus. The "turn-around" that has occurred in the
Church and College in three short years is dramatic.
Please pass on our thanks to Mr. Armstrong for his dedication and
leadership which has enabled such a "turn-around'' to occur, and also
for the wisdom to see the need for a Refresher Program for ministers
and wives.
Ross and Gaye Beath
Ambassador College Training Paves Way for Opportunities
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I recently received some good news I would like to share with you.
I was chosen to represent Rotary International of Oregon in a six­
week Professional Exchange with the Rotary in Belgium. I will be
on tour speaking to all the Rotary Clubs in Belgium.