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him speak in 1962 we have found him to be right down the line
scripturally speaking and rejoice in his leadership. We will
always be thankful to him for guiding us as God has guided him to
do. We felt the whole program and the format was top-notch. What
a relief it was to see the dedication and concern of all the
instructors. We would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Hoeh
who added so much in dimension, scope and clarity to the program.
Since our return I have come down with a blood clot and therefore
partially collapsed lung and pleurisy. I am over that and raring
to go again. However, we have found that my wife Joan has what
seems to be diagnosed as breast cancer and is somewhat advanced.
We would deeply appreciate prayers on our behalf as we have always
had excellent health and there is little reason for either of
these illnesses to strike except that Satan is on the rampage.
We thank God for the privilege of serving Him, and with His help
and the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ, our family
will step out boldly in this crisis we now face. With sincere
thanks and appreciation.
Bob and Joan Berendt
Dear Mr. Tkach:
at work in His Church and the eighth session of the
Ministerial Refreshing Program was an additional proof confirm­
ing this fact. Monique and I feel most �rivileged to have this
unique blessing of returning to Montreal with so much spiritual
food and so many personal and moral experiences to share with
the brethren.
It is difficult to find new words to express our "PROFONDE
RECONNAISANCE." First, we do thank our God and Mr. Armstrong
for the love he has for us ministers of Christ. We also thank
you and Messrs. Blackwell, Hoeh, McNair, Neff, LaRavia, Hogberg,
Faulkner, Salyer, Helge. Everyone's contribution fulfilled a
need. These men have so much to give that three weeks is too
short a time for us to receive it all.
Even with all that, God decided to give us more. He granted
us to see Mr. Armstrong in person! I was very impressed by his
presence, realizing that Christ Himself deals directly with Mr.
Armstrong as He did with other spiritual leaders of His true
Church. Is there any greater man on earth today? If John the
Baptist was the greatest among men because he prepared the first
coming of Christ in the flesh, how great is the one who is now
preparing the second coming of the Messiah? It is easy to respect
and love such a man.
Thank you again, Mr. Tkach. We look forward to another refresher
next year!
Donat and Monique Picard