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News From Australia February was a month of excitement for God's Church
in Australia as the tempo of the Work increased dramatically.
Final plans were laid this month for the commencement of television and
radio broadcasting of Mr. Armstrong's latest programmes. Contracts have
now been finalized with fifteen television and twenty-two radio stations
throughout Australia to begin broadcasting next month.
Our newsstand programme was initiated with 15,000 copies of the newsstand
edition of The PLAIN TRUTH distributed through outlets in Sydney, Mel­
bourne and Adelaide. By the end of February we had received a 1.9%
Plans for March included adding outlets in Brisbane, Bendigo, Hobart and
Perth and increasing the number of copies distributed to 25,000, and to
50,000 in April.
We received 14,100 letters this month and mailed out 28,000 booklets and
articles to interested readers of The PLAIN TRUTH. In addition, 12,000
copies of Mr. Armstrong's book, THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY,
were sent out.
Mail income for February was an encouraging 29.9% increase over the same
month last year, and our year-to-date income is 17.7% ahead of 1980.
Appreciation for
Ministerial Refreshing
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Ann and I would like to take the opportunity to drop this note to
you and very greatly thank you for having provided the Ministerial
Refreshing Program.
The beautiful campus, superb weather, warmth and hospitality shown
by faculty and students alike all combined to make three memorable
and inspiring weeks. Indeed I really hope this can be an ongoing ·
program. Its a benefit to the Church in terms of unity and all
speaking the same thing is inestimable! Again, thanks to you and
all your staff for making it possible.
John and Ann Adams
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I want to say a special thank you for making it possible for me to
attend the Ministerial Refreshing Program. All the lectures were
very interesting and the time at Pasadena passed too swiftly. My
thanks to all the men who gave such inspiring .talks. Please accept
my heartfelt gratitude. It was a much needed break.
Carol M. Lester
Dear Mr. Tkach:
This is a belated thank you from both of us for the Ministerial
Refreshing Program which is very well named. We are thankful for
the work the whole team is doing in carrying out the instructions
of God's apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. Since we first heard