Page 2006 - COG Publications

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Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
Our very warmest and most personal thanks for the eighth session of
the Ministerial Refreshing Program. Although we were only able to
attend the first week, it was so apparent that God's Spirit is alive
and well in Pasadena. Truly, the GREATEST FEAST we've ever ex­
A special word of THANKS also to some "behind the scenes," such as
Chris Anderson, Marie Alworth, Jerry and Jeanette Berg, Carlton
Green, Judy Cosgrove, Andre and Georgia Zick whose labors and efforts
didn't go unnoticed!
Don and Anne Marie Marson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to be in Pasadena for
the Ministerial Refreshing Program. The classes were very helpful
and edifying. Nancy wasn't able to make as many as she would have
liked, but appreciated the ones she could get to.
Dave and Nancy Fraser
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife, Lorraine, and I have just completed Ministerial Refreshing
Program number eight. It was certainly a dream come true! We want
to thank you for allowing us to have attended such a spiritually
uplifting and edifying program. Thank you also for the dedicated
and diligent way you do your job and for your service to God, Mr.
Armstrong, and God's people.
Dennis and Lorraine Pelley
P.S. Three exciting, but unexpected events helped make our session
unique: 1. The opening of Big Sandy, 2. Mr. Waterhouse's sermon,
then 3. Mr. Armstrong's visit.
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Cheryl and I wanted to let you and the rest of the staff know how
much we both appreciated the Ministerial Refreshing Program. Please
relay to Mr. Armstrong also our thanks for his wisdom in seeing that
we all needed this program. It was a very profitable three weeks.
Our welcome was so very warm and sincere in Pasadena.
The College and Work both appear to be on the track again. The
information we gathered during our three-week stay will give us
enough material for many sermons to follow. The spirit of oneness
and cooperation was evident with all those working in Pasadena. You
have our wholehearted support here. The brethren are looking forward
to hearing what I learned at the session.
It is very helpful to have lectures helping us to keep our minds
on the goals we should have as God's true ministry. If we are not
careful we can let our perspective get warped. Of course the high­
light of the program was having the opportunity to see and hear Mr.