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Perha � s a word of appreciation is also due regarding the opportunity
our wives had to attend the program. I am sure no one in the Work
realizes more poignantly than you how crucial the wife's role in the
ministry is. Persona�ly I would feel only "half refreshed" if Ruth
had not been in Pasadena to soak up the rich teaching the faculty
and staff brought to us.
We are already looking forward to the next session.
Victor and Ruth Root
Estimado Sr. Armstrong:
Mi esposa y yo tuvimos la inmensa bendici6n de asistir a la
s�ptima sesi6n de Repaso Ministerial, y es imposible acallar
la expresi6n de nuestro profundo agradecimiento, por hab�r­
senos dado la oportunidad de estar all! presentes durante el
mes de enero, aprovechando la experiencia y capacidad del se­
lecto grupo de personas que nos dict6, durante tres semanas,
las clases m�s agradables y provechosas que jam!s hayamos re­
Tambi�n estamos muy agradecidos con el Sr. Leon Walker, nues­
tro director, por su esfuerzo y logro de reunir a todos los
ministros de habla hispana. Es la primera vez que esto se
realiza, pero estamos seguros que no ser� la altima.
Estamos conscientes de que Dios ha provisto estas sesiones
para crear esa unidad absoluta que debe existir en el Temple
al cual El ha de venir rnuy pronto.
Gracias de nuevo, Sr. Armstrong, por su sabia decisi6n.
Eduardo y Marfa Mercedes Hernandez
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I enjoyed the tremendous blessing of attending the
seventh session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program, and we find
it impossible to hold back from expressing our deepest gratitude for
having been given the opportunity to be there during the month of
January and take advantage of the experience and ability of the dis­
tinguished group of people who for three weeks gave us the most in­
teresting and helpful lectures we have ever received.
We are also very grateful to our director, Mr. Leon Walker, for his
efforts in arranging for all the Spanish-speaking ministers to get
together. It was the first time this had happened, but we are con­
fident it won't be the last.
We realize that God has provided these sessions in order to create
that absolute unity which must exist in the Temple to which He will
soon return.
Thank you again, Mr. Armstrong, for your wise decision.
Eduardo and Maria Mercedes Hernandez