Page 2004 - COG Publications

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My wife and I extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every staff
member who contributed in making the program educational and up­
lifting. I would like to especially thank Mr. Blackwell, Mr.
LaRavia, and Dr. Hoeh.
It was so good to see Ambassador College students once again re­
flecting the high Christian standards that God's College has stood
for down through the years.
Steve and Melania Nutzman
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just returned from the Ministerial Refreshing
Program in Pasadena. We just wanted to thank you for your wisdom
in establishing the program. It sure makes a lot more sense to have
us all come in for three weeks rather than uproot families two times
in one year in order to have a "sabbatical."
The unity in Pasadena is obvious. The College students again look
like students used to look. There is a different atmosphere in the
College now from what there was just a few short years ago. Every­
one there is dedicated to God's way, His truth and are loyal to you.
It is very easy for us in the field ministry to get what has been
called "tunnel vision," where we look too much to the local church
and to our functions and ideas as a pastor. This program is very
helpful in getting our minds on this end-time work and your duties
as God's Apostle.
Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell and all the staff in Pasadena were very
helpful. It is very encouraging that now men in Ministerial Services
and men who are assisting you, such as Mr. Blackwell, have worked
for years in the field ministry. It makes me personally much more
attentive and responsive to hear and be taught by men who have ex­
perienced the difficulties and rewards of the field ministry.
You have our wholehearted support. The brethren here are all very
supportive of you and those you have selected to work under you.
We all are praying that God will continue to keep you strong and
doing the Work He has called you to do. Our prayers are with you.
Bill and Cheryl Jahns
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife Ruth and I have just returned from the Ministerial Refreshing
Program to our home in northern Germany where I pastor the Churches
of God in Hannover, Hamburg and West Berlin. We would both like to
take this opportunity to say a deeply felt THANK YOU for instituting
the program.
Ruth and I felt refreshed and inspired after the session. Being
together with faculty and attending ministers for a number of weeks
rather than just days, as in past conferences, really made for good
fellowship. We had the opportunity to personally get to know such
seasoned servants of God as Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell and Dr. Hoeh.
This way we could profit directly from the teaching they had received
over the years from you. We came away feeling more part of a great
worldwide team than ever before.