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AVoice Cries Out:
CouldYou Live
on $85 aYear?
85 million people inBangladesh
averagethat annualincome!
But howdoesthat affectYOU?
,'I.TE in America little
YY realize how we are
ble st! COMPARE! We enjoy
an ave rage income of
per capita per
year-as of a couple years
ago-more now!
But 85 million people in
Bangladesh average only $85
per person
per year'
president of that country cried out
to me in his office, "What can we
do, Mr. Armstrong, to help our
impoverished people'" Not only
near starvation by economic stan­
dards, but 75 percent illiteracy­
compared to our less than 1
Half or more of all people on
earth are illiterate, poverty strick­
en, living in tilth and squalor­
many actually starving to death'
That is the world you and I live in.
And it does affect us-and our
future-far more than we realize'
Look at a
other countries.
Few stop to think about this tragic
world condition!
Afghanistan, with 17 million
people overrun by the Soviet
military, lives-!x1sTs-on a per
capita income of only $125
And only 8 percent are
Burma. with 32 million people,
has an unbelievable. starvativn,
$90-per-capita yearly income.
Ethiopia's 30 million people, only
i percent literate. have to try to
exist on a $91-per-capita annual
income' On and on it goes'
But look at some great-popula­
tion, developing countries. A
fourth of the people on earth live
in China. A billion people there
HU.AltT W. AlllUT110NG
live on the meager per capita
annual income of $232. India,
second most populous nation, two
thirds of a billion people, per
capita income $132 per year.
Many don't make it at all, and
starve to death.
Russia and the U.S. rank third
and fourth in population. But fifth
largest Indonesia, larger than
.Japan or any nation in Europe,
has a per capita annual income of
only $289.
This is the world vou live in.
How does that econorn'ic condition
atfect you
:slations are interde­
pendent. We are not a nation unto
ourselves-or sufficient unto our­
are atfected not only by
the economic condition of the
world's nations. we are atfected
also by the social, moral and
spiritual conditions throughout
the world.
I have been saying on this page
week after week there is a CAUSE
for our American problems. trou­
bles and evils, as well as those of
the world. That cause is the "GET"
incentive as a philosophy or way of
That "GET" motive is in direct
conflict with a moral and spiritual
LAW as relentless as the law of
gravity-the Law of outflowing
LOVE, which I simplify by the term
"GIVE." It is the attitude of love
toward God and toward neighbor
even as toward self.
The whole world has utterly
violated that LAw.
world has
lived by the motive of self­
lo,..e-vanity, covetousness, envy
and jealousy,
violence and war and rebellion
against our Maker.
That self-centered motivation
in human life has brought all
humanity to the point of WORLD
are now fast hurtling
toward the fatal CLIMAX of that
For the first time in
human history, mankind has pro­
duced the weapons of mas s
destruction that can blast all
humanity out of existence. Our
No. 1 problem now is the question
of human SURVIVAL'
If humanity would repent of its
"GET" way of life, that impending
crisis of extinction would
averted. But it will not repent.
And so that invisible "Strong
Hand from Someplace" is soon
going to intervene supernaturally
in world affairs and save humanity
from itself. Agreeing or disagree­
ing with this won't matter. It will
be done
this world in the
generation now living. A people
will learn to live the way of "c1vE"
instead of "GET."
Pastor General
Worldwide Church of God
Ytiu may ha,..·e on requHt. graus. no money-reque!lt follow-up. Lile
eye-opeoning 96.pagt boo.k. Thi' Wundnful World Tomo,mu,-WJ:iat fl
Wdl Rt Like AddrNS He-r�rt W Armstronl(. Pasadena, Calif.. 91123. Or
phonl!' coll fre,e 180(}) 423-4444 In California call collect 1:.?t:11 :i-7'7-,i225.
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