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Armstrong. I was able to report to the brethren how well Mr. Arm­
strong looked and sounded, which is very encouraging to them.
Again, our thanks for a very helpful program and a most memorable
three weeks in Pasadena.
Bill and Cheryl Jahns
Phoenix Widows Hosted in Pasadena
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Very few of us have ever had the privilege of meeting you personally.
So we wish these notes to be a personal greeting and a personal Thank
A group of widows recently had the pleasure of visiting Pasadena for
the first time. It was quite an excitement for us. We were treated
like royalty. Mr. Tkach Sr. took us out to dinner: we enjoyed his
company so much, and his wife likewise.
We are devoted to our own Mr. Cardona and Mr. Turner and their wives:
they seem to be devoted to us also. We are so pleased to have them.
Once again fellowship abounds.
Writing is difficult for me because of very dim eyesight: please
excuse my lack of ability. I am 82 years old, but healthy.
My prayers are ever with you.
Love and concern,
Clara Bucklew (Pheonix, AZ)
Conunents From Monthly Church Reports
healings that have been very rapid--these have been very encouraging
to the members involved. Both Michigan City and Elkhart have been
especially encouraged by Mr. Armstrong's member letter. Many ex­
pressed concern over whatever might be Satan's next big attack
against the Church and wondered if Mr. Armstrong had something
specific in mind. We have had many favorable conunents concerning
the new Y.O.U. magazine. The content and quality are outstanding.
Thanks to all of those involved!
ERIE, PA--BILL JACOBS: PM activity picking up--things going better
than in 10 years. It looks good from here.
COLUMBUS, MS--ROGER W. WEST: Basically I am finding that in coun­
selling for marriage, the parents have not been teaching their teen­
agers how to prepare for marriage. The information given at the
Ministerial Refreshing Program is a must for these young couples.
The Church is truly the Mother of us all, because without the Church
these young people wouldn't have a very good foundation.
MOBILE, AL--STEVEN D. MOODY: People are grasping more the reality
of why they exist and it is helping some to overcome personal prob­
lems. When they compare the sin or temptation to why they are alive,
the problem becomes so trite they can turn from it easier.