Page 1996 - COG Publications

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Page 14
Wall Street Journal Ads Attract Public Attention
For months I have been intrigued and mildly astonished by your ads
appearing in The Wall Street Journal. It seems inconceivable to me
that someone would spend the kind of money full-page Journal adver­
tising costs to spread a message of apocalyptic hope.
I share the sentiments expressed in your messages and would like very
much to receive the literature you indicate is available. Should you
have any programs extant for active participation in spreading your
messages, I would be most interested in hearing about them as well.
Let me thank you personally for keeping the Word of God alive in the
halls of mammon. I will look forward to hearing from you.
Attorney at Law (Stockton, NJ)
Those interesting articles appearing in The Wall Street Journal are
very, very good; I read them all.
The most recent one was .especially interesting. President Anwar el­
Sadat's proposal to build a $70,000,000 peace center at the base of
.Mt. Sinai is a very wonderful endeavor. With a religious base of
Jews, Christians, Moslems and others, I am sure much can be accom­
plished. To me, Anwar el-Sadat is the greatest and most sincere
political person in today's world.
A.T. (Valley Stream, NY)
As offered in your advertisement entitled "Daily TV Reminder of the
Hostage Crisis" in The Wall Street Journal, please send me, gratis,
forward with great interest to reading and digesting the 96-page ex­
position of the ideas set forth in your statements.
Considering what historical evidence we have of mankind's curious
will to self-destruct, I share former President Carter's deep concern
which he expressed in his farewell to the nation: the danger of nuc­
lear annihilation is growing.
R.S. (Worchester, NY)
Today I was very impressed with the article in The Wall Street
Journal written by Herbert W. Armstrong. I would appreciate receiv­
ing the free booklet entitled, THE SEVEN LAWS OF SUCCESS as well as
the magazine, The PLAIN TRUTH. I am very concerned with the state
in which our country is and in which we find ourselves. Thank you
very much.
S. W. (Orange, CA)
Your full-page advertisements in The Wall Street Journal, pointing
out the way of the Lord for all who will hear, are tremendous. I
may have missed it, but have you had one concerning the weather pat­
terns affecting all parts of the world, and the Biblical references
related thereto? Mr. Donald Schroeder had a wonderful article on
the weather problems throughout the world in The PLAIN TRUTH in 1980.
Some reference to weather in The Wall Street Journal would reach the
materialistic people.