Page 1995 - COG Publications

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GRAND ISLAND, NE--DON HOOSER: Many members are wondering what will
be the next big trial for the Church that Mr. Armstrong said he
"couldn't reveal" in his last co -worker letter.
MISSOULA, MT--BILL QUILLEN: Everyone continues to support the Work
and a:ways interested in the activities of Mr. Armstrong.
SAN ANTONIO, TX--GREGORY L. SARGENT: Church attendance and overall
spirits and attitudes are continuing to remain high. All are still
very excited about Mr. Armstrong's growing zeal and improved radio
broadcasts--he seems to be getting younger every broadcast.
EUGENE, OR--LARRY J. WALKER: Attendance is up consistently. Church
is very warm and supportive. Have had two people return from Raymond
Cole's group. Karen and I are very excited about the upcoming Re­
freshing Program. Everyone we have talked to that has attended has
glowing reports.
SIOUX FALLS, SD--GEORGE AFFELDT: Very happy to see the "World
Tomorrow" here on a local station (WNAX, Yankton). All the people
here are very excited about it and looking to growth in the area
that hasn't been doing too well since we went off about six years
ST. PAUL, MN--BILL JAHNS: We have some good PM's in the St. Paul
area. The baptism tank is starting to be used more often. Overall,
attitudes are fine. The Church is stable and loyal.
media coverage on KYCU-TV CHANNEL 5 in Cheyenne, Wyo.!! It's a real
shot in the arm! Spokesman Club enthusiasm in Ft. Collins is running
high with developing the man an important topic.
FT. LAUDERDALE, FL--RANDALL KOBERNAT: Many positive comments on my
corrective sermons to help remove spots and blemishes from our local
church. Hit on some specific area problems--like being judgmental
of God's government and need to develop spirit of oneness.
HARRISBURG, PA--JIM ROSENTHAL: Quite a bit of sickness kept attend­
ance low the first three weeks of the month of January. The brethren
overall are very faithful in attendance and very supportive of Mr.
Armstrong. His last letter generated a lot of curiosity!
MONTGOMERY, AL--PAUL KURTS: Thanks to whomever was responsible for
the radio program being placed on the air here. Hope we see some
fruit soon!!
BANGOR, MA--LEONARD HOLLADAY: Dan Rogers mentioned that a guest
speaker was coming from Pasadena for the last Day of Unleavened
Bread. Our two churches will be there and the people here and in
Portland are very excited about beinq there. Thank you for making
someone available to speak to the Northeast. We need the contact
with Pasadena.
TERRE HAUTE, IN--STEVE NUTZMAN: . PM growth continues to be very,
very low. On the brighter side, the waiting room program for the