Page 1994 - COG Publications

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Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for enduring all the trials, troubles and
traumas which you have faced since God called you to prepare the way
before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you for remaining
faithful! I look forward to the time when ALL YOUNG MEN--around the
world--will meet in peace, happiness and friendliness, just as ou�
son and the Chinese dancer did. These are, and will be, the fruits
of your labor in Christ.
Mrs. Richard H. (Elva) Sedliacik
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
CHARLOTTE, NC--GEORGE PINCKNEY: I finished the series of sermons I
had been giving on our preparation for our wedding to Christ. I
feel that as� result of the Refreshing Program I've been able to
lay the ground work for the work that we individually and as a
congregation need to accomplish this year. Spirits are good de­
spite the bad weather and the sickness going around. The brethren
appreciate Mr. Armstrong's tapes and learn a great deal from them.
There is nothing like the personal contact that we had at college
and that the brethren are getting now.
LONDON, KY--MELVIN J. DAHLGREN: PM's are picking up. Old ones are
showing renewed interest. nr. Armstrong's tapes are very stimulating
and deep spiritually, creating more discussion and opportunity for
SOMERSET, KY--MEL DAHLGREN: One excellent new PM. The reenacting
of the old policy of not inviting until a foundation is built is
going to give the needed guidance factor back to the local pastor.
Financial needs are becoming more acute, but brethren are being
blessed in qther ways. YOUTH 81 is suoer. GN articles have been
on target regarding the needs of the brethren.
KENOSHA, WI--MICHAEL HANISKO: YOUTH 81 looks like an outstanding
magazine. Everyone that I have shown my copy to has been very
impressed with the quality of the layout and articles, especially
Mr. Armstrong's article.
BOISE, ID--JEFF MCGOWAN: In general, people's attitudes about the
Work are good. The intensity of people's personal problems seems
to be increasing however. There are a few problems that some people
just are unwilling to deal with.
SPRINGFIELD, MO--GEORGE A. MEEKER: Members appeared rather excited
about the sermon/report 1/31/81 on the Ministerial Refreshing Program
we attended.
outstanding and very well received among the Y.O.U. Anything we can
do to present a correct alternative to the young people from the
world's way of doing anything has my total support. High Schools,
especially, are getting worse in gang fights, smoking dope, and
fornication. It's so commonplace. As a father with children in
their twenties, teens and pre-teens I can personally chronicle the
garbage that comes to kids even in sleepy little Prescott and Flag­
staff Arizona.