Page 1993 - COG Publications

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I wish to thank you very mudh for the help I have received. I
thank God after the receipt of each check and thank him for Mr.
H. W. Armstrong. I even thank those at Headquarters.
How I want to thank you for your obedience in these times!
When I paid third tithe I did it because I was commanded to do so
by God. I also worried about how I was going to make it on what was
I believed God but the windows didn't seem to open too wide.
Through obedience I learned to trust God. Then the blessings began
to flow.
Forget how you are going to get by on what's left. Think of the
widows and orphans you are helping. Above all, trust God to do
what He says.
I know God is blessing you. Today my blessings are overflowing.
Again I say thank you, thank you, thank you. Trust and obey.
A member of God's Church
(The above note from Mrs. Lula Pearl Mccurtis of the Tulsa Church was
given tc her pastor, Mr. r:x:>n Mason, who in turn forwarded it to Ministe­
rial Services.)
The Fruits of Mr. Armstrong's Labor
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
It was with great pleasure that our family attended the "STARS OF
CHINA" performance last evening in the Ambassador Auditorium. And
it was even more exciting afterwards to have the opportunity to
attend a reception held in their honor.
Our son Rod who is 19, and who has heen accepted to attend Ambassador
College this fall, met one of the young dancers from China who is
about his own age. The dancer had taken two years of English, and
he thoroughly enjoyed practicing his newly acquired skill on an
American who knew no Chinese. He also taught my son some Chinese
These two young men became very good friends and the dancer gave Rod
a beautiful emblem to wear on his lapel which represented the dance
competition which he had won in China. These two young men were
laughing and enjoying each other's company--even though they were
worlds apart in culture and language!
Now in Satan's world, these two young men might possibly have met at
some other time with hate, instead of love and good will. They could
have met looking down the barrels of each other's guns!!!--like so
many other young men have met for the first time. But they didn't
because God's Apostle had brought to China the message of "give" in­
stead of "get," which is the only way to WORLD PEACE and happiness.
Consequently, these two young men met in peace and happiness which
they shared together.