Page 1992 - COG Publications

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Mr. Joe Tkach:
Please accept our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to yourself and the
whole refresher team who helped make the program such a landmark
experience for both of us.
Of course, the mountain of instruction we received cannot be over­
looked. But the program was far more than this--not only a respite
from the daily pressures of a local pastorate, but also the
opportunity to fellowship--to renew old friendships and establish
new ones, to share experiences and trials, hopes and aspirations,
with ministers of like mind.
We are returning home to Queensland with a renewed and more certain
sense of direction, a sure foundation, and a confidence in the admin­
istration of God's worldwide Work that can only be forged with first­
hand experience. Once again our sincere thanks to all.
Terry & Beverley Villiers
P.S. Please give a special bouquet to Rod Matthews and Glen Nice
for their service above the call of duty in smoothing out the
physical part of the arrivals and departures--particularly for
those of us internationals who are still somewhat "at sea'' on
arriving in the U.S.
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Nancy and I thank you, the rest of the Ministerial Services staff,
and the other instructors for the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
It was refreshing to be taught the plain truths that God has re­
vealed to His apostle, Mr. Armstrong. Several times in past
conferences, during the '70s, I had the feeling that problems in
the Church were well expounded but few, if any, solutions were
given (an exception to that was the conference Mr. Armstrong
directed in 1979). The sessions of the Refreshing Program pro­
vided solutions. This was refreshing!
The delicious food Mr. Green and his staff provided, the beauty
of the campus, and the fellowship of the international ministers
and wives made the program an extra enjoyable experience. The
unity and peace God has put in Pasadena seems to have spread
around the world. We are pleased to be serving with these min­
isters and wives we met who are serving in Canada, the U.S., South
America, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, South Africa and
Thank you again. Now I intend, with God's help, to teach as I
have been taught.
Ken and Nancy Williams
Special Letters of Appreciation
To All Who Pay Third Tithe:
Dear Brethren all over the world:
I am a 70-year-old widow who is being greatly benefited by your
sacrifice in paying third tithe. To some it is a sacrifice.