Page 1991 - COG Publications

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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you for giving us the Ministerial Refreshing Program. As you
have expressed there has been an abundance of good fruit of late to
prove God is pleased with the direction you have been taking His
Church. The Ministerial Refreshing Program is further proof.
Your team of assistants gave us valuable information that you have
given them. This information provides us the tools (the under­
standing of the truths God revealed to you) to help prepare the
brethren for the corning marriage to Christ. God's Church will now
be better prepared to assist you in getting the Work done.
Nancy and I appreciated the blessing of being in the environment
of God's college for three weeks. The campus is an inspiring
example of what God's vision, determination to accornplsih a goal,
and resourcefulness all placed in a human being can produce. We
enjoyed the tour of the House for God and appreciate that its
quality reflects the mind of God.
Thank you and all thope that work with you for giving to us. Now
we have the opportunity to apply what we have been taught and hope­
fully give back faithful service to you and God's people.
Ken and Nancy Williams
Dear Messrs. Tkach, Blackwell, Neff, Hoeh, Salyer, and others:
Even though a month has elapsed since Carolyn and I attended the
seventh Ministerial Refreshing Program session, we are still
digesting the material, and will for some time to come. It has
already helped us in many ways to do our job better.
We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your
instruction, as well as your personal individual examples of
character, loyalty, and dedicated service. We know you have a
big job to do and we are very thankful to benefit from your
guidance and pass it on to those we are serving.
How wonderful it is to know the Truth of God and be unified in all
our efforts! It is obvious that Jesus Christ and God The Father
are no longer cut off from the Church, and Christ is seeing to it
that we aren't misusing and wasting our efforts anymore. It's
apparent that the Head of this Church is making up for lost time,
and so is His Apostle, and so are you, and so shall we.
Stan and Carolyn McNiel
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We send you and all the Ministerial Services staff very warm
greetings. Once again thank you and Mr. Armstrong for the wonder­
ful opportunity we had in attending the seventh Ministerial
Refreshing Progrqm. It certainly was very uplifting and most
Pablo Dirnakis Santin, Guadalajara, Mexico