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P.T. has netted 200 subscriptions so far. In 2 1/2 years of the
P.T. newsstand program in this area, over 20,000 P.T. 's have been
distributed. Brethren are excited about these projects.
TAMPA, FL--RONALD A. LOHR: The brethren are loyal and behind Mr.
Armstrong. The tapes from him are great! We are elated that we
will now have two broadcasts in the area--WINQ and WPLP--whereas we
have had none in the last two years. The more uniform policy on
who attends our services (closed, but not secret, door) is bearing
good fruit and I feel I have more control. Some PM's who had been
attending for some time but not progressing and acting on what they
know, I tactfully asked that they not attend for now but that I would
work with them on visits in their homes. This is much better and no
one has been offended.
BETHLEHEM PA--ROBERT BRAGG: PM attendance is up. I Corinthians 15
tape very timely--had a sudden death of one of our fine members.
PITTSBURGH (EAST), PA--DON J. LAWSON: Many members have mentioned
the outstanding articles in The PLAIN TRUTH and The GOOD NEWS. We
also appreciate good "meaty'' articles. It certainly helps in the
spiritual condition of the entire Church.
NASHVILLE, TN--JAMES F. FRIDDLE: Many favorable comments about the
family relations series of sermons. Because of cold weather and
influenza the attendance has been lower than usual. Everyone who
has received YOUTH 81 really likes it.
TRENTON, NJ--VINCE PANELLA: Have received approval to attend ninth
session of Refreshing Program. Anne and I are very eager and excited.
Can't wait!
ROME-ATLANTA, GA--HAROLD LESTER: Areas stable and solidly behind Mr.
Armstrong and God's Church. Church encouraged by Mr. Armstrong's
activity and growth of preaching Gospel to the world.
MACON, GA--OTTO LOCHNER: People are behind the forward motion of Mr.
Armstrong--very happy about the YOUTH 81 magazine--appreciate minis­
try getting back to the ''things once delivered."
NEW ORLEANS, LA--JAMES SERVIDIO: Church steadily shaping up. New
people coming in and those not totally committed are dropping out.
Attendance down due to sickness.
Weekly Letter Comments
People from all walks of life find Mr. Armstrong's ads in The Wall Street
Journal interest catching. Our first group of letter comments shows that
many want to learn more and are therefore requesting the advertised lit­
erature. The next group of comments finds brethren expressing their ap­
preciation for Mr. Armstrong's radio and T.V. programs, being especially
excited about his new series.
Our comments section concludes with comments
from members who enthusiastically describe the abundant blessings God has
showered on them in their third tithe year.