Page 1979 - COG Publications

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we are missing also THE WAY the spiritual food was served by every
single member of the staff. We are looking forward for the desert
in round two!
Pablo Gonzalez
Weekly Letter Comments
After receiving the collector's Edition of YOUTH 81, members expressed
their delight at the new magazine, recognizing its great value and benefit
for the young people of the Church. Brethren were also inspired by Mr.
Armstrong's February letter and elated to hear of plans to reopen Big
Sandy as a Junior College. Our last selection of letters shows that
readers continue to find the book, THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL, enjoy­
able, eye opening and unique.
Adults Delight in YOUTH 81
Let me tell you how very excited I am about the new magazine for the
teens, YOUTH 81. My daughters' copies came first and after glancing
through them, I just couldn't wait for mine to arrive. I kept borrow­
int theirs whenever I could get a spare moment to read. The timely
articles are geared to young people's interests and are a good length
to hold their attention while getting to the point of the subject
But, Mr. Armstrong, the personal letter by you to the teens must be
one of your greatest writings. I have read it over four times already
and as many times as I have been told the story of the origin of the
"get" way as opposed to God's "give" way through sermons, tapes and
articles, never has it made such an impression on my mind as it has
through this letter to the teens. I am sure you got through to them
Mrs. Noriel Waterman (London, NH)
Thank you for the new YOUTH 81. It is excellent! We're in our 60's
and feel it will have great appeal to the youth. Thanks to all of
you who have labored on it long and hard with love. How wise to
utilize the remarkable talents of young people. It should motivate
others to contribute.
Mrs. J.E. Mogg (Bushnell, FL)
I want to write and tell you what a fine magazine YOUTH 81 is. The
cover is outstanding and so are the articles inside. Thank you for
sending it to those who have no children at home any more. The
children in the Church are very blessed to have such a magazine.
Mrs. Helen Goble (Fort Morgan, CO)
I read through the first issue of YOUTH 81 and enjoyed it very much.
I have no children in the Church, except for some nephews and nieces.
I would like a subscription to help me get a deeper understanding of
what problems young people face today, and to see their needs. I am
glad you were inspired to come up with a magazine just for the young
people. It will give them a feeling of belonging and of being special
to God.
Mrs. Russie Matlick (Tunnelton, T.flV)