Page 1978 - COG Publications

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We can't help but believe that all of the young people who are being
trained, (especially with Big Sandy being reopened) are going to be
needed to serve the growth that God is going to give his Work now
that it is truly back on the track. We will continue to support this
work in the small way that God has allowed us to serve.
Dennis and Karen Johnson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from 8,500 feet high...that is, from Bogota, Colombia!
Upon our safe return from Pasadena, where we enjoyed the unique
privilege of attending the seventh session of the Ministerial Refresh­
ing Program, we found God's little ones in this area with no intention
whatsoever of creating any ''golden calf," bµt rather strong, anxiously
awaiting their portion of "meat in due season" that they knew was
being served to us in Pasadena.
And what could we say about this extraordinary program that had not
yet been said! Well, one thing came out clear to us. It was way back
in January, 1967, while still in our home town (San Juan, Puerto
Rico), that a telegram arrived urging me to get in touch via telephone
with the then director of the Spanish Department. Compliance was at
one�. March 23 of that same year caught me, along with my family
(wife and two girls), traveling at 600 mph, 30,000 feet high, with
destination: BIG SANDY, TEXAS. Little did we realize then what was
in store for us: how many friends, new circumstances in life, and
experiences we were to meet and encounter throughout the years.
Unfortunately, some of those friends of many years have not remained
with the same mind and spirit. And the agony is felt the more when
those very friends were, at a time, very POSITIVE in spite of the
situation then prevailing, anxiously waiting for� CHANGE.
After enjoying the privilege of being present at this Ministerial
Refreshing Program, we can't help but meditate on what is really
happening. Our friends were right in waiting for a much needed
change. But sadly enough, it seems that somehow some of them had
allowed their minds to be deceived by their own creation of a mental
image of the expected change AS THEY THOUGHT IT SHOULD COME ABOUT OR
BE IMPLEMENTED. This brings to mind a possible parallel with the
Jews of Jesus' time. They were desperately awaiting the promised
MESSIAH. But in the process they started looking for a messiah after
their own image and DOING. And when the TRUE MESSIAH did come, they
could not recognize Him!
Could anyone with an open mind deny that a truly remarkable change-­
A GOD INSPIRED CHANGE--is taking place in God's Church today?
May God help us all understand His will! May God help us all to
humble ourselves before Him! And may God continue inspiring His
apostle and special servant, and those assisting him in this most
important WORK!
My wife and I enjoyed very much every minute of our stay in Pasadena.
But above all, we enjoyed what we saw, heard, and, why not, what we
ate and drank. Already we are missing not necessarily the wine, but
THE WAY you and Mr. Apartian served it ... and this not to mention that