Page 1977 - COG Publications

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Nuestras oraciones delante de Dios son para que usted siga reali­
zando la Obra, le queremos y le apoyamos.
Herbert y Conchita Cisneros
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
For the first time in my life I have the honor of writing you a letter
in which I wish to express my thanks, first of all to God for having
given us at this end-time an Apostle through whom Jesus Christ, the
Head of the Church of God, is directing this great and magnificent
Likewise, I have given thanks to God for having inspired you, Mr.
Armstrong, with the wonderful idea of bringing the ministers to
Pasadena to be reinstructed by means of the Ministerial Refreshing
Program, in which I took part. You cannot imagine the great benefit
we have derived from this program, especially those of us who have
not had the blessing of attending and studying for four years at
Ambassador College, which does not prevent us from also being
Tru�y the love God has towards His children is great and beyond
understanding. THANK YOU, Mr. Armstrong, for continuing to teach
us about this in God's incredible plan regarding our HUMAN POTENTIAL,
so that we can teach it to our congregations (the Church of God), and
in this way we will all be following the way of perfectness together.
Thank you also, Mr. Armstrong, for Messrs. Tkach, Rader, Hoeh, Black­
well, Neff, McNair, Hogberg, etc., who served as instruments in God's
hands to achieve the goal of having us all speak the same thing, so
that we might be perfectly united with the same mind and the same way
of thinking, all of this through the love they showed us throughout
the refreshing program.
Thank you for Mr. Leon Walker, our regional director for Latin
America, through whom you, Mr. Armstrong, are teaching us unity of
the Spirit, fellowship and teamwork.
And finally, thank you for Reginald Killingley, Mauricio Perez and
Carlos Gutierrez for serving and helping us in translating the words
spoken by our instructors into Spanish.
We pray to God that you may continue to carry out the Work, we love
you and we're back of you.
Herbert and Conchita Cisneros
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Although we have been back to visit the campus several times since
my graduation, this was the first time in nine years that we really
felt at home again and a part of what was going on. It really was
a refreshing experience for both of us to see the same prevailing
atmosphere that we were accustomed to when we were students. The
classes really were equal to all the reports from others that we have
read in the Pastor General's Report.