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We thank you for the copy of YOUTH 81; it was most enjoyable and
enlightening. May we ask to be put on the mailing list, if possible.
We are an older couple with four adult children and it has been many
years since we have been in active contact with teenagers.
Many times it has been difficult for us to communicate with, under­
stand and appreciate the youngsters in our church. After reading
the magazine I feel that it may help us to understand the young minds
and hearts better.
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Cooper (Santa Barbara, CA)
I have just .received the Collector's Edition of YOUTH 81. It is a
wonderful youth magazine and a great idea.
It will help the young
people to better understand God's way, thereby helping them to see
the importance of obeying God and others over them, and to deal with
the numerous problems they face as they are growing up.
Mrs. George B. Franke (Williston, ND)
We received our copy of YOUTH 81 today and were excited at the
potential it has opened up. Both young and old will profit from
the ''now" oriented information it contains.
As a coach who has worked countless hours with youth, I can truly
sigh, wishing all young people could have access to YOUTH 81. Thank
you (Mr. Armstrong) and the entire staff for another timely master­
Gary A. Bastie (Houston, TX)
Brethren Inspired by February Co-Worker Letter
I have just received your letter of Feb. 8th. What happy emotions
of praise and thanks to God filled my mind and heart. How blessed
is God's Church to have such an inspired and dedicated apostle--so
filled with love and loyalty to God, His Church and Work.
How wonderful to have a balanced budget! How great to again open
beautiful Big Sandy for our youth. How exciting to be able to
enlarge our radio and T.V. coverage. How wonderful is our God.
His truth is indeed marching on.
Edna Clawson, (Manilla, IN)
Here is some money to be used however you decide is best for getting
out the Gospel. Our whole family is all behind you. We are just
thrilled over the possibility of opening up Big Sandy, even though
our children are only in elementary school. We certainly hope it
will be able to open. The children need all the help in right
education they can get in order to cope with life and in turn be
of help to others.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goggans (Lakeland, FL)
I have jnst read your most inspiring letter of February 8 for the
second time. Thank you for keeping us informed of your travels and
of the growth of God's Work. It is so inspiring to see what is taking
place in the Church and the Work, now that we are on the right track!