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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
Page 11
them, including a telecast of Mr. Armstrong, part of the "Young Ambassa­
dors" film, the Envoy, AGAINST THE GATES OF HELL, and some copies of The
PLAIN TRUTH and QUEST/Bl. Finally, we were able to show them Mr. Arm­
strong's advertisements. They couldn't believe their eyes, corrunenting
that they had never seen such clean and well laid out copy.
Already we are lining up a series of ten of Mr. Armstrong's full-page
ads to run in the New Zealand Herald and the Dominion, the morning news­
papers in the nation's two largest cities. These ads are to begin
appearing in March. Full-colour newspaper inserts advertising The PLAIN
TRUTH will also be run in some of the nation's leading newspapers in May
and October. We estimate that these promotional activities should add
at least 20,000 new PLAIN TRUTH subscribers during the coming year.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to express our most sincere thanks and
deep appreciation for having the opportunity of attending the
Ministerial Refreshing Program.
It was also a most joyous occasion sharing bonds of common
interests with all our Spanish-speaking ministers and their
wives. The ten pounds I gained (which I did not need) were well
worth the price paid for the spiritual gain!
There is no doubt in my mind as to where the ministry as a whole
is headed. Right on course! This right course has been exempli­
fied through the spirit of unity, cooperation, organization, love
and concern from the instructors and felt and shared by all of us
during the entire seventh session.
This is indeed one more solid affirmation that reviewing God's
truths and doctrines presented to us under your direction are never
dull, uninteresting, boring or meaningless, but rather refreshing,
inspiring, educational and purposeful. As a result, I have been
prompted to become a better minister and less of a "preacher."
Our thanks also to Mr. Tkach, Mr. Walker and the rest of the fine
instructori for the effort and dedication rendered to us in this
outstanding program.
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
Alberto and Elizabeth Sousa
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Buenos dias! Thank you so very much for the wonderful opportunity
of attending the seventh session of the Ministerial Refreshing
It was a tremendous inspiration to drink in of the atmosphere
of overwhelming physical and spiritual beauty at God's Campus.
We couldn't help but think how much the many rushing waterfalls
and fountains on the campus aptly symbolize the presence of God's