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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
these being strategically placed in the main Perth bus depot. Other
newsstand outlets are under consideration.
Soon The WORLD TOMORROW radio broadcast will be once again heard on the
air waves in Australia. Already three stations in Western Australia--
6KG Kalgoorlie; 6GE Geraldton; and 6BY Bridgetown/Katanning--have accepted
the programme and broadcasting is scheduled to begin March 1st.
Progress has also been made to begin airing the "World Tomorrow" tele­
vision programme. At present options with two stations in Adelaide, two
in Perth, and one in Brisbane are under consideration and negotiation.
Within the next couple of weeks it is hoped to secure television coverage
in Sydney and Melbourne.
A really exciting breakthrough is the successful placing of Mr. Arm­
strong's Wall Street Journal Ads in four leading Australian newspapers.
As these comments are being prepared, the first of Mr. Armstrong's ads
appeared February 2nd in the Sydney Morning Herald (circulation 258,000),
the Melbourne Age (circulation 244,000), the Brisbane Courier Mail (cir­
culation 270,000), and the Adelaide Advertiser (circulation 228,000)-­
total circulation of 1,000,000 copies!
''A Voice Cries Out," in bold black headlines one and a half inches high,
dominates the full-page advertisements. The ads will appear twice a
month in the Sydney Morning Herald and the Melbourne Age, and once per
month in the Brisbane Courier Mail and the Adelaide Advertiser.
Canadian Summary The first month of 1981 is now history! The office
staff hardly had an opportunity to catch their breath after a record­
setting December, and year 1980. Now they find themselves well into a
new year, and nothing seems to be ''letting up."
The mail continues to come in very heavy, due to a massive renewal of
those many thousands of names added to the file last spring as a result
of the newspaper insert programme all across Canada.
Even though income has trailed off somewhat (11% over last January), the
prospect for 1981 remains very good indeed. The expanded newspaper
coverage with Mr. Armstrong's full-page ads is creating a public aware­
ness in circles where the Church has gone virtually unnoticed to date.
News From New Zealand For the third year in a row, God has blessed us
with an excellent January income increase, with this January topping the
figure for the same month last year by 32%.
During the month of January, Mr. David Hulme of the Vancouver office, who
has been in Australia working on media plans for God's Work there, visited
Auckland for a few days to help with our media arrangements for the corning
year. Our main goals are to place Mr. Armstrong's series of full-page ads
into leading newspapers here, to put The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast back
on radio, to establish a newsstand programme and to keep PLAIN TRUTH
circulation up.
Mr. Hulme arranged for an appointment with Whitaker Advertising--part of
New Zealand's number one advertising group--which is affiliated with the
advertising agencies used by God's Work in Canada and Australia. The
Agency staff were very excited about the material we were able to show