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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 19�1
Now I come to another matter.
Just over two years ago, on January 3, 1979, armed deputies under
the California Attorney General's office suddenly, without notice, invaded
the Pasadena headquarters of God's Church and College. It was a massive
lawsuit attack that threatened to DESTROY God's Church and His Work.
It was primarily through the extraordinary work of Mr. Stanley R.
Rader that the Church, its activities, facilities for those activities,
properties and assets were protected, preserved, kept in continuous
operation, and their destruction prevented. These properties and facil­
ities, which I would conservatively value at more than $100,000,000, were
saved for the Church.
1) Mr. Rader had the expertise (prior to this) to guide the installa­
tion of what I feel undoubtedly is the most sophisticated accounting
system of any church in the United States prior, of course, to this
massive government, unconstitutional invasion. During our legal defense,
which he masterminded, he had the wisdom to hire the largest C.P.A. firm
in the United States, Arthur Andersen & Company, to audit all our records,
and to relate to this very prestigious accounting firm so as to clear the
Church and its officers of any allegations of financial wrongdoing. This
was a mastermind strategical move. The Attorney General's case was doomed
from the time of the Arthur Andersen & Company audit.
2) Mr. Rader masterminded the bringing together in our defense highly
qualified attorneys from at least seven top legal firms to defend the
Church in the many hearings and court appearances. Mr. Rader had the
ability to command the respect of these prestigious legal firms, and to
assume overall legal leadership as a Master General of a Master Legal Army
to defend us against the overwhelming legal army of the State.
3) Mr. Rader spent much time in Sacramento working behind the scenes
with other organizations that were working to put the Petris Bill through
the Legislature. This Bill nullified the law on which the Attorney
General's office based their case against the Church.
4) For the two years Mr. Rader was working effectively with the media
nationally--Television, radio, and the press--using expertise in the media
field over and beyond ordinary lawyer services. He appeared on talk shows
over the nation, on many interviews, press conferences, turning public
opinion in the Church's favor.
5) He utilized authorship in writing articles, and his book Against
The Gates of Hell, communicating the Church side of the lawsuit before
the world.���
6) He had the extraordinary ability to coordinate all of this and put
it together in an effective and winning spearhead.
These activities extended in extraordinary manner completely beyond
the abilities and services and efforts of even the best and most famous
of attorneys. Yet normal attorney's fees, totally incomparable to these
extraordinary and effective activities, would run into many hundreds of
thousands of dollars. Corporations have to pay very highly for ordinary
legal services in corporate lawsuits. Ordinary legal services, even from