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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
Page 5
top lawyers of national reputation, in my judgment, could not have won
this battle and kept God's Church alive and active. I feel that Mr.
Rader's salary is grossly inadequate for these extraordinary services.
Mr. Rader had expressed a desire to retire from official Church
executive position prior to the January 3, 1979 state invasion. He and
I had agreed to his retirement from this executive position very shortly
before January 3, 1979, to take effect very soon after the beginning of
the year of 1979. When the State attack was launched January 3, it became
necessary for him to stay on.
For many years now Mr. Rader has rendered extremely valuable services
to this Church
the fields of Law, Accounting and Finance, besides
invaluable services as my assistant in carrying Christ's Gospel Message
to and through Kings, Emperors, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other
leaders of nations over all the continents of the world. He has the
expertise in the field of government to complement me in talking to as
many as SEVENTY heads of governments, or near heads. I feel sure no man
has talked in private conversation with as many such government heads,
in their own capitals over the world, as have Mr. Rader and I.
I feel this Church would be derelict in its appreciation if it does
not make suitable acknowledgment for such service, rendered two years
after Mr. Rader had planned to retire from active executive duty.
For the past five months or so he has said publicly in the public
press, and before our own congregations, that it is his desire to return
to private law practice, and has made public statements of intent to re­
sign as Treasurer and Board member of the Church by July 1. Now he has
asked that this date be moved up to March 1.
To show our appreciation, it is my judgment as Pastor General of this
Church, that we should express our gratitude and heartfelt appreciation by
a special bonus of $250,000, net to him.
I would at this time like a voice approval from you who are leaders
in the Ministry of this Church.
Mr. Rader will continue on as Executive Vice President of the A.I.C.F.,
the performing artist series in the Ambassador Auditorium, and in time and
spacebuying for T.V., radio, and publication space, and as my chief advi­
sor in legal and financial areas and in such Gospel trips abroad as I
shall take, but resigning his executive responsibilities in the office of
Mr. Leroy Neff, Evangelist in God's Church, has been appointed as
Acting Treasurer.
(A special issue of The WORLDWIDE NEWS is now being prepared which will
contain a transcript of Mr. Armstrong's 2 1/2 hour talk before the Con­
gress of Ministers. It should be printed by Friday, March 6th, and will
be mailed first class to all the brethren.)